Painting and Drawing
Painting students at EOU work in acrylics and oils in our large, natural light studio in Loso Hall. Courses include Beginning, Intermediate, and Advanced Painting, along with Independent Study.
Starting with a solid foundation in observational representation, students are encouraged to develop their own individual direction as painters. Along with studio work, students gain familiarity with historical and contemporary practices in painting through reading and research into the work of other artists. The most important outcome for students at every level is to make connections between their art making, their own lives, and the world.
ART 280 – Beginning Painting (APC)
The objective of this course is to provide the beginning painting student with a fundamental understanding of the application of a plastic medium. The focus of the studio investigations will be to manipulate space on a 2D surface through a variety of techniques. Projects will be augmented with demonstrations, pertinent slide/film presentations, in-class studies, and critiques.
Credits: 4.00; Prerequisite: None; ART 130 recommended.
ART 380/480 – Intermediate/Advanced Painting
An intermediate to advanced level course. Assumes experience with basic tools, materials and techniques of painting in at least one medium. Provides further opportunity to investigate the possibilities of manipulating space on a 2D surface through a variety of technique and media. May be repeated twice.
Credits: 4.00; Prerequisites: ART 280 or consent of instructor.
ART 130 – Drawing I (APC)
A drawing course emphasizing gesture and linear draftsmanship, value relationships and composition through visual observation.
Credits: 4.00;
ART 230 – Drawing II (APC)
Further explorations in line and value using various media. The human figure will be emphasized in this class.
Credits: 4.00; Prerequisite: ART 101, ART 130 or consent of instructor.
ART 330 – Life Drawing
Basic artist’s anatomy with progressively expressive approaches to drawing the human figure. May be repeated once.
Credits: 4.00; Prerequisite: ART 130 or consent of instructor