Transfer Articulation Information
Wondering how your courses transfer?
Use the tool below, select your previous institution, and see how transfer courses come into EOU.
Transcript Evaluation Decisions Upon Admission to EOU
Whether you are a newly admitted freshman or transferring to EOU with prior college coursework, the Admissions and Registrar’s Offices are committed to making every reasonable effort to ensure maximum credit is awarded toward degree completion based on your official transcripts. It is important to realize that multiple factors can influence how your official transcripts are evaluated, which include but may not be limited to – the accreditation status of the institution issuing the transcripts, University policy regarding limits on credits applied toward degree, and faculty evaluation of transfer work. All official transcript evaluation decisions should be considered final and are not grievable. Students are encouraged to speak with their academic advisor if they have any questions regarding their official transcript evaluation. These options may include proficiency testing, Agency Sponsored Learning (ASL), and Assessment of Prior Experiential Learning (APEL).
EOU is on a quarter credit (term) system. When transferring in course work from a semester institution, multiply the number of credits by 1.5 to see how many quarter credits will be transferred in (3 semester credits x 1.5 = 4.5 quarter credits). If you are planning to transfer EOU credits to a semester system institution, multiply the number of quarter credits by .67 to find out how many credits will transfer (4 quarter credits x .67 = 2.68 semester credits).

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Regionally Accredited Institutions
Regional Accreditation refers to the regional bodies recognized by the US Department of Education to accredit public and private, mainly nonprofit and degree-granting two- and four-year institutions in the US. The regional bodies are listed in the Council for Higher Education Accreditation directory. Regional accreditation differs from national or trade accreditation, which encompass predominantly for-profit institutions offering vocational, career or technical programs. Students entering Eastern Oregon University with transfer credits from a Regionally Accredited Institution will have their credits evaluated based on one of the following:
1. General Education Core:
- AAOT (Associate of Arts Oregon Transfer) and ASOT (Associate of Science Oregon Transfer) degrees from Oregon Community Colleges meet the General Education Core requirements at EOU.
- If students obtain any of the following, then their General Education Core Requirements are met at Eastern Oregon University. If we do not accept your transfer degree as meeting our general education requirements, your courses will be evaluated individually. From that point you can work with your advisor to petition if there are discrepancies.
2. Incoming transfer courses:
- May articulate as direct substitutions to Eastern Oregon University’s Courses and/or be awarded General Education Credit based on review of comparable catalog descriptions and review of Syllabus.
- Courses that are found to have General Education Credits but are not awarded direct substitutions of an EOU Class are listed as LDT (Lower Division Transfers) or UDT (Upper Division Transfers) and will have the General Education Credit awarded when articulated.
- Courses that transfer in but are neither awarded Gen Ed or as direct substitution are listed as LDT (Lower Division Transfers) or UDT (Upper Division Transfers).
- The student may earn up to 12 credits of LDVT (Lower Division Vocational Transfers), which are transferred to EOU as general elective credits.
- As of January 1st 2015, Nursing and Dental courses will no longer be articulated as vocational credits. These courses will carry the prefix SCI upon transferring into Eastern Oregon University.
- Eastern Oregon University accepts the OTM (Oregon Transfer Module) awarded by the Oregon Community Colleges.
- The CTM and MTMs will be accepted as the state guidelines recommend.
3. Bachelor of Applied Science Degrees (BAS):
- How a bachelor of applied science will transfer to EOU depends upon the nature of the degree.
- If the BAS required a minimum of 180 credits total, 45 credits in a primary subject area, with general education, math, and writing requirements, then the student will be allowed to earn a second bachelors degree from EOU by completing a minimum of 45 credit hours supervised by EOU faculty. Thirty of the 45 credit hours must be upper division. All program requirements for the second degree as determined by the appropriate major department must be satisfied. A minimum cumulative EOU GPA of 2.00 is required.
- If the BAS did not meet the requirements above then EOU will transfer in previous courses on an individual basis, and a second bachelors will require completing all institutional and program level requirements remaining after the transfer articulation process is complete.
Additional Opportunities & Accelerated Options
Eastern Oregon University recognizes that people pursuing distance education degrees often have extensive learning from prior jobs, educational programs, travel, and other life experiences. EOU provides multiple educational options in which this learning can be documented for academic credit, enabling students to apply their prior learning directly to their degrees.
ACE: American Council on Education
Students entering Eastern Oregon University may have college credit awarded for educational experience obtained in the military. Credit will be evaluated and based on the recommendation of the American Council on Education.
AP: Advanced Placement
Eastern Oregon University gladly accepts your Advanced Placement scores. The link provided will take you to a table that shows the credit and/or General Education credit awarded.*
ASL: Agency Sponsored Learning
Students may receive credit for courses and training taken from non-degree granting organizations such as the military, corporations, labor unions, professional and voluntary associations, and government agencies. The subject area must be within a discipline offered at EOU, and the course/training must have taken place within required clock hours. You must provide documentation that learning took place. Students pay $50 per credit hour for Agency Sponsored Learning other than military.*
CLEP: College Level Examination Program
The CLEP program provides the opportunity to demonstrate college-level achievement through exams in undergraduate college courses. There are 2,900 colleges that grant credit and/or advanced standing for CLEP. The exams are computer-based exams that permit immediate scoring.*
IB: International Baccalaureate
Eastern Oregon University recognizes IB achievement by awarding credit to students who score 4 or above on standard and higher level IB exams. Students must indicate that they would like official test scores sent to EOU in order to award credit. Contact your IB Coordinator or IB North America to request score reports.*
Modern States
Take tuition-free, high-quality CLEP/AP prep courses online! The “Freshman Year for Free” initiative gives students the chance to earn up to 45 hours of credit by completing online classes and then passing the related Advanced Placement or College Level Examination Program exams.
Straighterline and Sophia
Eastern Oregon University accepts Straighterline & Sophia credits that have been evaluated by the American Council on Education (ACE) as recommended for credit on an ACE transcript. Straighterline & Sophia are not accredited degree-granting institutions and their transcripts do not display credit values for courses taken. ACE recommends Straighterline & Sophia courses for credit, on behalf of these schools. Students will need to send EOU a transcript from ACE to get Straighterline and/or Sophia credits transferred. Transcripts received directly from Straighterline or Sophia will not be articulated.
*A combined maximum of 45 credit hours of course challenges, College Level Examination Program (CLEP), Advanced Placement (AP), Agency Sponsored learning (ASL), and Assessment of Prior Experiential Learning (APEL), may be applied toward the 180 credit hour degree requirement. A combined maximum of 60 credit hours of course challenges, College Level Examination Program (CLEP), Advanced Placement (AP), Agency Sponsored learning (ASL), and Assessment of Prior Experiential Learning (APEL), and practicum coursework may be applied toward the 180 credit hours degree requirement. No more than 93 non-grade credits (courses taken as S/U) may be applied toward the 180 hours degree requirement.
Non-regionally Accredited Institutions
(Institutions not accredited by the Regional Accrediting Bodies – M, EH, NH, NW, SC, WC, WJ)
In certain instances, credit may be considered for admitted students on a case-by-case basis. Students entering Eastern Oregon University with transfer credits from an non-regionally accredited institution will have their credits evaluated and awarded based on the following rules:
- Non-regionally accredited credits cannot be awarded General Education credit except on a case by case basis.
- Non-regionally accredited credits cannot be transferred in as an EOU Class substitution.
- Non-regionally accredited credits will be evaluated on a case by case basis. If a class meets a program offered by EOU, the class will be brought in as a LDT (Lower Division Transfers) within that program.
- The student may earn up to 12 credits of LDVT (Lower Division Vocational Transfers), which are transferred to EOU as general elective credits
- A student who has the Associate of Arts degree from Gather 4 Him Christian College in Kennewick, Washington will transfer into EOU with junior standing and will have met the General Education Core Requirements at EOU. Students will still need to submit a high school transcript or GED scores for admissions requirements if transferring an AA from Gather 4-Him College.
CTM/MTM Statewide Agreements
(CTM = Core Transfer Maps) ~~~ (MTM = Major Transfer Maps)
The Oregon Public Universities and Oregon Community Colleges have worked together with the Higher Education Coordinating Commission (HECC) to design General Education and Major crosswalks to aid student transfer from Oregon Community Colleges to Oregon Public Universities.
- CTMs (Core Transfer Maps), when awarded by a Oregon Community College are accepted by the Oregon Public Universities as meeting 30 lower division General Education Core credits. This meets half the General Education Core requirements at EOU.
- MTMs (Major Transfer Maps) are designed to aid students seeking certain majors at each Oregon Public University. The maps are a guide students can follow to ease transfer into a particular Oregon Public University, with junior standing in the major. All MTMs have the CTM embedded in them. When an MTM is awarded by a Oregon Community College it is accepted as meeting 30 lower division General Education Core credits as well as the defined major map requirements and junior standing in the program.
- Both CTMs and MTMs must be awarded on an Oregon Community College transcript to be accepted.
Biology Major Transfer Map — BIOLOGY MTM
Business Major Transfer Map — BUSINESS MTM
Computer Science Major Transfer Map — COMPUTER SCIENCE MTM
Core Transfer Map — CTM
Elementary Education Major Transfer Map — ELEM ED MTM
English Major Transfer Map — ENGLISH MTM
Statewide Common Course Numbering (CCN)
The Oregon Public Universities and Oregon Community Colleges have worked together with the Higher Education Coordinating Commission (HECC) on statewide Common Course Numbering to aid student transfer between Oregon Community Colleges and Oregon Public Universities.
Any course designated with a Z at any Oregon Public University or Oregon Community College will be accepted as that same course at the receiving institution.
Current courses designated across the state are:
Business | 101Z , 211Z, 213Z |
Communication | 100Z , 111Z, 218Z |
Math | 105Z, 111Z, 112Z |
Psychology | 201Z , 202Z |
Statistics | 243Z |
Writing | 121Z, 122Z, 227Z |
Eastern Oregon University GEC (General Education Core)
The 60 credit General Education Core serves the diverse student body of Eastern Oregon University by helping students to integrate into university life and challenging them to become critical, creative thinkers and engaged, knowledgeable citizens, open to new ways of looking at the world. Courses may be taken graded (C- or better) or S/U (please refer to the S/U policy). A minimum of 60 credits is required. For more information on EOU’s General Education please refer to General Education List.