Eastern Oregon University Homepage

Safe Winter Walking

Stay safe and steady this winter! Give yourself extra time, wear sturdy shoes with good traction, and stick to cleared paths. Walk smart, stay upright, and enjoy the beautiful Eastern Oregon winter!

Mountaineer Information Center

Visit the Mountaineer Information Center on the first floor of Inlow Hall for all things EOU! Get help with financial aid, advising, the EOU portal, and more. Schedule appointments, grab your student ID, buy parking permits, or use the free Food Pantry.

Program Profile: Agriculture Entrepreneurship

“An Agriculture Entrepreneur, or Agripreneur, is a person who organizes, manages and assumes the risk of an agricultural enterprise or agribusiness.”

Agriculture needs innovative ideas and solutions to address the livelihoods and issues of rural communities, food security, production and resource efficiencies, and changing climate patterns.  The future of agriculture needs you! 

Dr. Chad Mueller

Dr. Chad J. Mueller

Visiting Professor of Business

Dr. Mueller was born and raised on a diversified livestock and grain farm in SE Nebraska. He is the youngest of four brothers; each involved in different aspects of agriculture. Dr. Mueller received his B.S. degree in Animal Sciences from Oklahoma State University, and a M.S. and Ph.D. degree in Animal Sciences from South Dakota State University. His graduate degrees focused on Ruminant Nutrition and Beef Cattle Management / Feedlot systems. Dr. Mueller’s academic career included both research and teaching, but now primarily focuses on teaching. He developed and taught courses in a variety of subject matters focusing on animal agriculture systems and leadership development. Dr. Mueller spent 17 years with Oregon State University, and is currently a visiting Assistant Professor with EOU focusing on the newly developed Agriculture Entrepreneurship program.

In the news…

It’s easy to find and share news and events at EOU.

  • Oregon Humanities: Former Director of National Parks Service Live Onstage in Pendleton

    Oregon Humanities: Former Director of National Parks Service Live Onstage in Pendleton LA GRANDE, Ore. – Oregon Humanities will present a live onstage conversation about public lands with Chuck Sams, former director of the National Parks Service, on April 9, 2025. In conversation with Adam Davis, executive director of Oregon Humanities, Sams will explore how…

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Mountaineer Ascents

Nicholas Vece, a senior at EOU majoring in Theatre Arts and Psychology with a minor in Music, talks about why he chose Eastern and the opportunities he has encountered along the way.

Mountaineer Ascents is a series of interviews with current Eastern Oregon University students, asking why they chose EOU, what their experience has been like and what they hope to get out of their education.

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