Eastern Oregon University > Current News > Eastern Oregon University Appoints Scott McConnell, Ph.D. as New Dean of the College of Business

Eastern Oregon University Appoints Scott McConnell, Ph.D. as New Dean of the College of Business

Eastern Oregon University Appoints Scott McConnell, Ph.D. as New Dean of the College of Business

LA GRANDE, Ore. – Eastern Oregon University (EOU) has appointed Scott McConnell as the new Dean of the College of Business, effective April 1, 2024. McConnell brings a wealth of experience in economics, educational leadership, and community engagement to his new role at EOU.

Eastern Oregon University (EOU) has appointed Scott McConnell as the new Dean of the College of Business

McConnell has served as the Interim Dean of the College of Business since July 2023 and has been an active part of the EOU faculty since 2012. Throughout his tenure, he has been instrumental in developing innovative curricula and fostering a collaborative learning environment that connects classroom learning with real-world experience.

“I am both honored and excited to step into the role of Dean of the College of Business at Eastern Oregon University,” McConnell said. “I look forward to working with our talented faculty and staff to prepare our students for the complexities of the global business environment and foster a community of innovation, ethical leadership, and inclusivity. At EOU, we will challenge our students to be the best version of themselves and help them achieve their goals.”

With a PhD in Economics from the University of Missouri-Kansas City, McConnell’s academic interests include macroeconomic theory, money and financial markets, and institutional economics. His dedication to research and teaching excellence has been recognized with multiple awards, including the EOU Faculty Scholars Research Award.

In addition to his academic pursuits, McConnell is deeply invested in the local community. As a co-founder of Side A Brewing and a recent board member of La Grande Main Street Downtown, he has actively contributed to the economic development of the area.

“Dean McConnell’s academic journey and professional accomplishments showcase his dedication to the field of economics and business education.” Interim Provost Peter Geissinger said. “He has demonstrated a deep commitment to applying theoretical knowledge to practical challenges, which enrich our student experience and foster collaborations that are vital in today’s interconnected world.”
For more information about the College of Business please visit www.eou.edu/business.