Eastern Oregon University > Academics > History Minor

History Minor

History Minor


A minimum of 30 graded credit hours in History

At least 15 credit hours must be upper division

A minimum grade of “C-“ and a cumulative GPA of 2.00 (or better) is required in all courses counting toward the minor.

A minimum of 15 graded credit hours counting toward the minor must be completed at Eastern Oregon University.


Choose 30 credits from the courses listed below. At least 15 credits must be upper division.

Course NumberCourse TitleCreditsPrerequisites
HIST 101Western Civ to 1500 [SSC]5
HIST 102Western Civ Since 1500 [SSC]5
HIST 105Slavery & Freedom in America [DPD,SSC]3
HIST 110Selected Topics1 to 6
HIST 111World History to 1500 [SSC]5
HIST 112World History Since 1500 [SSC]5
HIST 201US History to 1865 [DPD,SSC]5
HIST 202US History Since 1500 [DPD,SSC]5
HIST 203Investigating the Past [AEH,UWR]5
HIST 210Selected Topics1 to 6
HIST 230Women & Gender in Modern Europe [AEH,DPD,UWR]5
HIST 303Historical Research5HIST 203
HIST 310Selected Topics1 to 6
HIST 312Cultural History of Sports [DPD]5
HIST 314The Great Depression5
HIST 315Frankenstein in European History [available in even years]5
HIST 319US History Through Film [available in odd years]5
HIST 321Ancient World [UWR] [available in even years]5
HIST 322The West in Film [available in even years]5
HIST 325History of Christianity5
HIST 330US Women’s History [UWR] [available in even years]5WR 121
HIST 333Labor & Working Class in American History [UWR]5
HIST 345Environmental History [available in even years]5
HIST 352The Sixties5
HIST 355Colonial Americas: Intro to Comparative History5
HIST 360Military History5
HIST 383History Native Americans/US5
HIST 410Selected Topics1 to 6
HIST 415Blood, Phlegm & Bile [UWR] [available in even years]5
HIST 421Medieval Europe [UWR] [available in odd years]5
HIST 422Violence in American History [UWR]5
HIST 427Renais/Reform Europe [UWR] [available in odd years]5
HIST 437History Modern Germany [UWR] [available in even years]5
HIST 444History Pacific Northwest [UWR] [available in odd years]5
HIST 445History of Postwar Europe, 1945-Present5
HIST 448History of Modern Russia [UWR] [available in odd years]5
HIST 458Civil War/Reconstruction [UWR]5
HIST 460American Constitutional History5
HIST 462History of Sexuality [UWR]5Any 100 or 200 HIST & WR 121
HIST 466History of American West [UWR]5
HIST 479History of Mexico5
HIST 480History of the US 1900-19455
HIST 481United States Since WWII5

Total credits required for minor: 30 

If the requirements for the minor are not met at the time of graduation, the minor will not be awarded.
Select (highlight) information above this line and right click to print the check sheet 

Last update March 2017