Capsule Description
Admitted students may receive credit for courses and training taken from non-degree granting organizations such as the military, corporations, labor unions, professional and voluntary associations, and government agencies. The subject area must be within a discipline offered at EOU, and the course/training must have taken place within required clock hours. Students must provide documentation that learning took place. Students pay $50 per credit hour for Agency Sponsored Learning (ASL) other than military. A maximum of 45 ASL credits can be used toward a degree at EOU.
Requirements for Agency Sponsored Learning Credit:
Potentially, college credit can be obtained from formal educational programs that are:
- Outside the sponsorship of higher education (An IMPORTANT consideration)
- Courses offered at Universities cannot be submitted for ASL
- Non-degree granting
- Sponsored by business and industry, labor unions, professional and voluntary organizations, and government agencies
- Formal settings, not on-the-job training
- At least 30 clock hours in class per credit
- ASL courses do not count for General Education because they are not designed to meet EOU’s General Education Outcomes with any specificity. Generally, ASL courses approved for transcription are counted as elective credits.
- Students may combine two related courses in order to meet the 30-hour per credit threshold. The combined courses may be used only once.
For the approval process of ISP Courses (FEMA, NIMS, and EMI-NETC) see below
To document ASL, provide the following:
- Provide at least one of the following documents
- Original completion certificate
- Official transcript from the sponsoring agency
- Original letter from the sponsoring agency
- Full Description of the program if not listed on the EOU Agency Sponsored Learning List Courses/Training previously evaluated by EOU Faculty; list is available from EOU Center Directors.
- This full description might include course syllabi, workbook, or other documentation of the course content.
- Full Description of the program if not listed on the EOU Agency Sponsored Learning List (Courses/training previously evaluated by EOU Faculty; list is available from DDE Advisers.) This full description might include course syllabi, workbook, or other documentation of the course content.
To Obtain ASL Credit
- Students communicate ASL requests to their advisors.
- The advisor confirms fit between potential ASL credit and the student’s degree plan.
- The advisor checks for prior evaluation by EOU faculty for this Agency Sponsored Learning.
- The student sends documentation listed above to the advisor.
- The Advisor submits request/documents to the Advising Center.
- If program was not already on the EOU List of courses approved for ASL, the request & documentation will be sent to an EOU faculty in the appropriate discipline for evaluation.*
- Subsequent requests for the same training will receive the credit award as evaluated by this EOU faculty evaluation. Be advised that when making a subsequent request, there must be identical course titles between the request and a previously evaluated course.
- The evaluation is routed back to the student via the advisor.
- The student is billed $50 per credit hour for ASL credits that are approved and related directly to the student’s degree plans.
- The ASL credits are posted on the student’s transcript after payment is made.
*EOU Reviewers look for the following information when evaluating courses/workshops/training for ASL credit:
- Verification that learning took place, i.e. a measurable standard that participants attain.
- Sufficient clock hours spent in training, using a minimum of 30clock hours = 1 hour of credit in EOU’s quarter system.
- The legitimacy of the sponsoring organization, faculty, etc.
- FIT of the subject matter into EOU’s curriculum.
- Not all ASL coursework or training can be awarded college credit. Students should carefully review their ASL requests with their advisors.
- ASL courses do not count for General Education because they are not designed to meet EOU’s General Education Outcomes with any specificity. Generally, ASL courses approved for transcription are counted as elective credits.
Process for ISP Course Approval
ISP courses will be evaluated for college credit based upon ISP credit recommendations. Not all ISP courses carry recommended college credit and most credits require successful completion of a combination of courses for credit. Credit will not be granted for partial completion. Credit will not be granted for any combination of courses not specified by ISP. NOTE: ISP credit recommendations are for semester credit.
FEMA Independent Study Program (ISP), National Incident Management System (NIMS) or other Emergency Management Institute (EMI) coursework
- Student must request an official EMI Independent Study Program transcript from the National Emergency Training Center (NETC) (for form click here): List institution to receive transcript as
- Eastern Oregon University
Attention: Elilai Elobt
Advising Center, IH 112
One University Boulevard
La Grande, OR 97850
- Eastern Oregon University
- Students communicate ISP course transcription requests to their advisor.
- Upon receipt of student’s official NETC transcript, the advisor will confirm successful completion of the requested course, or course combinations, per ISP college credit recommendations (converted to quarter credits).
- The Advisor submits request/documents to the Advising Center.
- Recommendation for transcription is routed back to the student via the advisor.
- The student is billed $50 per credit hour for approved ISP credit.
- The ISP credits are posted on the student’s transcript after payment is made.