On-Campus Advising FAQs
General Information
How do I get an Academic Advisor?
- On-campus admitted students are assigned to an Academic Advisor, based on their currently declared major, within five (5) business days of being admitted to EOU.
- To access this information, sign in to your EOU Portal; go to MountieHub, then “Student Services,” then “Student Information”.
- **If you have not attended EOU in the last three terms, advisor information will not be updated until you have completed a Returning Student Online Application and allowed five (5) business days for processing.
How do I declare or change my major?
- Contact your assigned Primary Academic Advisor.
What is the Accuplacer?
- The Accuplacer is a computerized placement test that helps identify which Math and Writing classes are the best fit for you.
Why do I need to take the Accuplacer?
- The Accuplacer exam assists Advisors in correctly placing students into Math and Writing courses. Without this, students could potentially be placed into courses that are too far above or below them, both resulting in the student taking a course they may not be ready for or need.
How do I know if I need to take the Accuplacer?
- If you have NOT taken college-level Math courses for college credit – yes
- If you have NOT taken college-level Writing courses for college credit – yes
- If you HAVE taken college-level Math courses for college credit – no
- If you HAVE taken college-level Writing courses for college credit – no
What scores could I receive on the Accuplacer?
- Writing
- WR 115 – Intro to College Writing
- WR 121Z – Composition I
- Math
- MATH 072 – Fundamentals of Algebra
- MATH 095 – Algebraic Foundations
- MATH 111Z – Precalculus I: Functions
- MATH 112Z – Precalculus II: Trigonometry
- MATH 251 – Calculus I
- **You CANNOT fail the Accuplacer but it is important that you do the best you can. Accuplacer scores will determine what courses you can enroll in for your first time and may affect your ability to take courses specific to your program/pathway.
How do I schedule my Accuplacer test?
- Fill out and submit the Accuplacer Request form or visit the EOU Testing Center webpage
- **FREE Accuplacer Practice
Who do I speak with about my Accuplacer scores and/or questions about the exam?
- Always speak with your assigned Primary Academic Advisor.
What is the difference between unofficial and official transcripts?
- Unoffical transcripts are for personal reference only and are not suitable for official purposes. They are printed on plain paper and do not have a college seal or registrar’s signature, so they lack the official seal or signature that guarantees their accuracy. Unofficial transcripts can be used to review a student’s academic record, and non-admitted students can show them to instructors to verify prerequisite courses.
- Official transcripts are a complete record of a student’s academic history, including all courses taken, withdrawn, or repeated, as well as any transfer credits. They can be used for graduate school, employment, scholarships, and transferring to another college or university.
Do I need to submit my final High School transcripts if I am a transfer student?
- Students with less than 72 quarter/60 semester transferable college credits must submit their high school transcript.
Do my High School transcripts work to show proof of college credit courses I have taken?
- No – final official transcripts need to be sent to the EOU Admissions office, directly from each institution in which you received credit from.
Do I have to send in transcripts for previous college courses I have taken, even if I didn’t do well in them?
- Yes! EOU is required to report all credits that a student has taken. In the event that you were to not report previous college credits you had taken, you would be going against EOU’s Academic Honesty code; at which point it would become a Student Code of Conduct violation. Likewise, the Admissions office can rescind your admissions to EOU in these situations.
How do I order and send official transcripts?
- Final official transcripts can be ordered online through each institutions transcript ordering system, typically found on their website. If you are not able to find this, contact the institution’s Registrar’s office.
- **Remember – you will need to send transcripts from each institution you’ve received credit from, regardless of the grade you received, when you took the course(s), etc., even if certain transcripts show the credits from other institutions.
I am not seeing any available sections/seats in a course I want to register for – what is wrong?
- The course is full and no longer has seats available for that term. Your next best option is to waitlist (WL) for the course and if a seat becomes open the Registrar’s office will contact you.
I’m on the Waitlist (WL) for a course – what now?
- Continue keeping a close eye on your EOU email. If a seat opens up in the course you are Waitlisted for, the Registrar’s office will email you and give you 24 hours to go in and officially register for the course through your College Scheduler.
How do I add, drop, or withdraw from a course?
- Review the Timeline Guide for when changes can be made: Add | Drop | Withdrawal
- Contact your Primary Academic Advisor and share what changes you need to make to your registration.
- Fill out the Registration Form and submit it to the EOU Registrar’s office, in-person or by emailing it to add.drop@eou.edu
How do I access my EOU Technology?
- Review the following webpages for information on how to access your EOU technology: