Arthur Derbyshire

Arthur Derbyshire
Alumni Merit Award
Art Derbyshire, EOU class of 1969, is a retired teacher and coach living in Hermiston. He graduated from Drain High School in 1964 and attended Eastern from 1964 – 69, majoring in biology. He then taught eight years at Elkton and 22 at Stanfield High. He as honored as the outstanding science teacher in Oregon by the Oregon High School Science Teachers Association for his superb work in the classroom from 1989-1990. Not only was Art recognized as one of the state’s best science teachers, but his Stanfield boys track team won the 2A championship in 1999, and were district champions six times throughout his career. Who’s Who in Oregon Track and Field named his 1999 and 2001 teams as the number one 2A dual team, and named Art coach of the year for both years. The Stanfield School Board dedicated their new track facility in his name this year.