American Democracy Project

American Democracy Project

Eastern Oregon University participates in the American Democracy Project (ADP), in partnership with the American Association of State Colleges and Universities – a network of schools nearly 300 strong. The ADP program is a collaborative effort to deepen the impact of public higher education and deliver diverse and robust civic instruction to students who will become engaged, informed and thoughtful community leaders able to contribute to the future of American Democracy.

Contact Us

Dr. Nicole Howard
EOU ADP Coordinator
Professor of History – Department Chair

Upcoming Public Event:

Public Lecture: Dr. Dustin Ellis

What Does American Democracy Owe to the Stranger?

March 6, 2025
EOU Library
6:00 p.m.

Who challenges us to live up to our ideals more than those excluded, marginalized, and dehumanized? Throughout American history, immigrants, refugees, and other marginalized “outsiders” have persistently pushed the nation to live up to its democratic ideals. Surveying a “people’s history” of American Democracy from the colonial period into our contemporary moment, this talk offers an answer to the question “What does American Democracy owe to the Stranger?” by centering voices of communities excluded from progress narratives, but that have been catalysts for expanding the meaning and practice of democracy. In examining the struggles, resilience, and triumphs of these “strangers,” we uncover a powerful truth: the health of American democracy has always depended on those who dared to challenge it.

All ADP Events

October 7, 2024Campus Lecture: Dr. Paul Nauert“World War I and the Ascent of American Superpower: Making the World Safe for Democracy?”Ackerman 2101-2:30 p.m.
October 9, 2024Public Lecture: Dr. Tracey Hanshew“A History of Women Running for President”Cook Memorial Library6-7:30 p.m.
October 23, 2024Public Lecture: Dr. Paul Nauert“An Unlimited National Emergency: Lessons from American Democracy’s Confrontation with Global Depression and Global War”Middle School Commons6-7:30 p.m.
October 24, 2024Unify ChallengeDeep Dive Events: Challenge Bowl FocusOnlineOct 22, 24, 29
October 29, 2024Test Ballot DayUnion County Recorder’s Office: DemoCounty Offices
November 4, 2024Campus Lecture: Dr. Paul Nauert“American Hot Wars in the Global Cold War”Ackerman 2101-2:30 p.m.
March 6th, 2025Public Lecture: Dr. Dustin Ellis“What Does American Democracy Owe to the Stranger?”EOU Library6 p.m.

Recent Events

The ADP’s Unify Challenge College Bowl

This year the American Democracy Project has organized a national College Bowl, a virtual intercollegiate event where thousands of students are paired into one-on-one conversations across differences. For about an hour, the pair discusses 16 hot-button issues like mental health, gun laws, immigration, and free speech on campus. The students share their points of view, find common ground, and discover that they can have a respectful conversation without conflict. After taking the Challenge, students rate the experience highly and report an increased interest in participating in civic life. With 10x growth in three years, the College Bowl has hosted more than 14,000 students from 205 colleges to date. Eastern students in history, political science, and public speaking classes have engaged in this year’s challenge, and we look forward to growing the program on campus. 

Vice Presidential Debate Watch

On October 1st, ADP worked with the Political Science program to host a Vice Presidential Debate Watch. Over 50 students and faculty attended to watch, discuss, kahoot, play bingo, and eat some pizza. It was a fun evening and a model of civic engagement that EOU will build on over the year. Thanks to all those who turned out!

ADP Post-election plans

  • November 7-8, 2024: Oregon Humanities’ Reflective Conversation Training (PDX)
  • November 10, 2024: OR Humanities’ “Consider This with Manu Meel” screening at HQ (youth & long-term health of democracy)
  • Winter Term: Public Lecture by Dr. Dustin Ellis, “Immigration and Border Policy in U.S. History” @ Cook Memorial Library
  • Winter Term: The Big Read for La Grande, OR. The Cold Millions by Jess Walter (labor history in the PNW)
  • Spring Term: ADP at Spring Symposium (panel from across colleges presenting on themes of democracy and civic engagement)
  • Spring Term version Unify Challenge Bowl (March, April)