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Anthropology/Sociology gives students an opportunity to explore people and the societies in which they live. Graduates find success in graduate programs as well in applied settings such as archaeological research, human services, social welfare, corrections and law enforcement, forestry and natural resources, community health, government agencies, higher education, and nonprofit organizations.
Student editors and contributors earned top marks for the fourth edition of the EO Social Science Journal.
Students receiving a BS or BA degree in Anthropology/Sociology will possess the following:
Students receiving a BS or BA degree in Anthropology/Sociology will be able to demonstrate the following:
To ensure that students meet the above program outcomes, they demonstrate proficiency by means of the following (depending on the course): research papers, essays, in-class exams (essays, short answers, objective questions), take-home exams, map quizzes, group projects, individual and group presentations, library skills assignments, critical autobiographies and oral histories, production and analysis of surveys, development of formal research proposals, ethnographic observations and field-based research, reaction papers, summaries/ analysis papers based on readings, quizzes, formal debates, book reviews, literature reviews, and class participation and preparedness. Each assignment is assessed by means of specific evaluative criteria.
A “C-” grade or better is required in all graded Anthropology and Sociology courses that are used to meet program requirements. A 2.00 GPA or better in all transcripted Anthropology or Sociology courses, including both transferred courses and those taken at Eastern, is required for good standing within the program.
Students in all concentrations will be required to take a college-level statistics course of at least 4 credits with a grade of C- or better. Students must also complete a mathematics course at the 100-level or above, with a grade of “C-” or better. Each student must demonstrate computer literacy in a way appropriate to his or her individual plans and approved by the student’s adviser.
For a concentration in Anthropology, students must complete Eastern graduation requirements, and at least 65 hours in Anthropology/Sociology to include:
Total credit hours: 65
Offering a concentration in Sociology / Social Welfare, students must complete Eastern graduation requirements and at least 65 hours in Anthropology/Sociology to include:
Total credit hours 65
NOTE: 100 and 200 level courses in Anthropology and Sociology may be taken whenever offered in the freshman or sophomore years. These courses need not be taken in order, for example, SOC 205 may be taken before or after SOC 204.
Select courses from the following, depending upon program concentration:
NOTE: 300 and 400 level courses in Anthropology and Sociology may be taken whenever offered in junior or senior years. A total of 35 upper-division hours are required for the Anthropology, Sociology, and Sociology/Social Welfare concentrations. For further advice on related topics such as General Education, University Writing Requirement or the Diversity Requirement, see the University’s Advising Page or the Anth/Soc Advising page.
This minor is also available via through on-line/on-site courses.
View the Anthropology/Sociology Minor Checksheet
A minimum of 30 graded credits at the “C-” level or better in Anthropology and Sociology. Student must maintain a “C” (2.00) or better cumulative GPA in courses required for the major.
The above must include:a. At least 10 graded credits in each of the two disciplines.b. At least 20 graded credits in upper division.A minimum of 10 hours counting toward the minor must be completed at Eastern Oregon University.
NOTE: It is recommended that a senior year integrating project be included in each minor. That project might, for example, be a paper completed as part of the regular requirements of an Anthropology or Sociology course but focusing upon some topic related to the student’s major.
This is the applied emphasis within the Sociology/Social Welfare concentration. Students choosing other areas of Sociology, such as public sociology or even graduate school, are advised into a set of courses less oriented toward the social welfare field. Students choosing the social welfare route are generally seeking a professional career in social work or more generally the social welfare arena. This includes a variety of disciplines–social work, direct therapy/counseling, public safety (law enforcement, parole/probation, corrections, juvenile justice), crisis response, advocacy for domestic violence survivors, sexual assault response, community development, child welfare, victims’ assistance, refugee assistance, hospice work, veterans’ assistance programs, school-based counseling and youth-in-transition programs, self-sufficiency programs and case work, public health worker, etc.
The following requirements exist for Anth/Soc students with a Social Welfare concentration (see Sociology/Social Welfare checksheet):
A student pursuing the Social Welfare concentration can graduate with either a Bachelor of Arts (BA) or a Bachelor of Science (BS) degree. Our program is not a Bachelor of Social Work (BSW). We provide a more robust-sociologically informed curriculum, but an MSW will generally take two years (often MSWs are possible in one year with a BSW). BA is preferable because of the foreign language requirement (at least two years)–students who are bilingual, especially with Spanish as a first or second language, have certain comparative advantages on the job market. However, many students pursue the BS as well (which requires lower-division math and science coursework). To finish in four years, without enrolling for summer terms, students must average 15 credits per term, 45 credits per year (4 x 45 = 180, the minimum required to graduate). As a four-year degree program the Social Welfare concentration generally looks something like this:
What are students doing?
Currently, in 2021, just in La Grande, Baker and Umatilla Counties, we have students working in the following areas:
The Native American Studies Minor integrates a wide variety of academic areas, including anthropology, history, political science, economics, business and law. The overall objective of the program is to increase the diversity of the EOU educational process. Students can complete their minors both on and off campus due to the diversity of offerings in both teaching areas. The minor will lead to a greater understanding of Native American peoples who have had significant roles in the history and tenure of North America. Knowledge of Native American people’s general and specific belief systems benefits EOU students in all fields of study. Awareness of their continuing political role in tribal, federal, state and local government activities enhances the overall knowledge of our students, including people in applied fields of study such as anthropology, education and business. It is also important for our students to recognize the U.S. Government’s federal trust responsibility toward treaty rights.
Students, depending on the courses selected, will have the ability to:
To ensure that students meet the above program outcomes, they demonstrate proficiencies by means of the following (depending on the course): research papers, essays, in class exams (essays, short answers, objective questions), take-home exams, map quizzes, group projects, individual and group presentations, library skills assignments, critical autobiographies and oral histories, production and analysis of surveys, development of formal research proposals, ethnographic observations and field-based research, reaction papers, summaries/analysis papers based on reading, quizzes, formal debates, book reviews, literature reviews, and class participation and preparedness. Each assignment is assessed by means of specific evaluative criteria.
Minor Checksheet
Required courses:
ANTH 312 Native Peoples of North America (5)HIST 483 History of Native Americans and the U.S. (5)NAT 370 Native American Law (5)
Elective Courses:ANTH 330 Ethnology of Hunters & Gatherers (2)ANTH 360 Introduction to Archaeology and Prehistory (5)ANTH 380 Native Peoples of Oregon (5)ANTH 390 Public Archaeology (5)BA 347 Workplace Diversity (3)HIST 338 Comparing Frontier Cultures (5)POLS 477 Gambling Policy (5)NAT 401 Research (1-5)NAT 405 Reading & Conference (1-5)NAT 407 Seminar (1-5)NAT 409 Practicum (1-10)Other appropriate electives as approved by faculty.
NAT 110 – Selected TopicsCredits: 1.00 To 6.00Discussion based course based on Native American cultures.
NAT 210 – Selected TopicsCredits: 1.00 To 6.00Discussion based course based on Native American cultures.
NAT 310 – Selected TopicsCredits: 1.00 To 6.00Discussion based course based on Native American cultures.
NAT 370 – Native American LawCredits: 5.00This course will survey the development of Native American Law in the United States. It will include a historical look at sovereignty issues along with the relationship of the Federal Government, State Governments and the various tribes in the areas of supremacy and jurisdiction in both civil law and criminal law. In addition recent developments in the area of gaming, self-determination, civil rights as well as religious rights will be examined. This course will give students the ability to evaluate how the culture of the U.S. has interacted with native peoples by looking at historical contexts, social paradigms and the legal system as it has evolved. Student must have at least sophomore standing to register for this course.
NAT 401 – ResearchCredits: 1.00 to 5.00Individual research project. Student must have at least junior standing to register for this course.
NAT 405 – Reading & ConferenceCredits: 1.00 to 5.00Individualized study. Student must have at least junior standing to register for this course.
NAT 407 – SeminarCredits: 1.00 to 5.00Seminar. Student must have at least junior standing to register for this course.
NAT 409 – PracticumCredits: 1.00 to 10.00Supervised experience (while enrolled in college) designed to offer opportunity to explore career areas and learning situations through field placement that parallels one’s academic major. Student must have at least junior standing to register for this course.
NAT 410 – Selected TopicsCredits: 1.00 to 6.00Discussion based course based on Native American cultures.
“I have a Bachelor of Arts from EOU in Sociology and Anthropology with an emphasis on research and social welfare. I also have a Master of Social Work from USC. I am a therapist with training in dialectical behavioral therapy, motivational interviewing, trauma focused cognitive behavioral therapy, play therapy and many other modalities. I continue to work with underserved populations that suffer from homelessness, addiction, trauma (sexual, emotional, physical), and mental illness. I help them find the life worth living while cultivating empathy for the world around them.”
Nelson CalderonAnthropology/SociologyAnaheim, Calif.
Our Department includes five full-time faculty who teach on campus–three in anthropology and two in sociology–and seven adjunct faculty who offer a wide variety of courses online in support of our majors and minors. Faculty members’ offices are located in Ackerman Building–once an elementary school–so it’s full of good vibes.
The EOSJ promotes student involvement, and highlights the achievements of undergraduate research at EOU.
The Anthropology/Sociology Department offers students an interdisciplinary program of study leading to a degree with three different emphases or concentrations: Anthropology or Sociology / Social Welfare. Our graduates have found success in a wide variety of professional venues, and we also prepare students who wish to pursue graduate study, research and teaching, or simply enhance their understanding of humans and the societies, cultures and environments in which they live. We’re firmly committed to enhancing the learning and reasoning abilities of students and helping them to view and examine ancient and contemporary societies through the cultural and social prisms that define and shape our disciplines.
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