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The predecessor of basalt, the tabloid Calapooya Collage, was established in 1981 by the late Tom Ferte. Calapooya dedicated itself to publishing a wide variety of poets from around the Northwest and US, as well as publishing translations. The magazine moved from Monmouth, Oregon to Eastern Oregon University in La Grande, Oregon in 1998, where five subsequent issues appeared. After publishing a special issue dedicated to the work the photographer Minor White did in La Grande during the 1940s, the magazine’s format and name changed to basalt in 2004.
We gladly read works in all genres, and are open to all schools and persuasions. basalt is especially interested in literary forms that cross genre boundaries and mix media, as well as translations from any language.
Our current issue (vol. 9, no. 1) is features an art portfolio by northwest artist Ian Boyden, along with prose, translations, and poems
Jodi Varon, Editor-in-Chief
David Axelrod, Editor
Ben Mitchell, Art Editor
James Crews, Associate Editor
James Benton, Web Editor
Kristin Johnson, Designer
Christopher Jennings, Cold Coffee Media, Web Design
All correspondence should be addressed to the Editors at:
basaltOne University BoulevardCollege of Arts & Science—Loso HallEastern Oregon UniversityLa Grande, Oregon 97850
Office Phone: 541-962-3633