Nancy Knowles, English and Writing
In Fall 2022, ENGL 371 British before 1800 focused on utopia, situating literary texts that address idealized values and social structures in their historical contexts, as well as practicing the literary analysis common to scholars…
James Benton, English and Writing
This term, I had my students working in small committees to create a utopian manifesto in which they enumerated a set of values, then created a set of rules and systems to support those values. They had to first consider…
Assorted Faculty
In keeping with the spirit of the Utopia theme, faculty members in CAHSS read the book Envisioning Real Utopias by Erik Olin Wright. Through a political-economic lens (ie, who gets what, when, and how), Wright critiques our current system…
Susan Murrell, Associate Professor of Art
I created an assignment for my screen printing and painting classes this fall term with help from senior art major Corrina Stadler, with the goal that she curate a thematic show for our annual paintings and prints exhibition at the downtown …
Jeannette Benton, English/Writing
I used the Utopia Theme in my Writing 121 class in Fall 2022. The first assignment was to create an individual Utopian world (creative writing). The second assignment was to select three ideas that they wanted to implement in their world.