Career Services

EO Career Expo

Save the date! The EO Career Expo will be on the EOU Campus on April 2!

  • Network with local and regional employers.
  • Learn about occupations & industries.
  • Inquire about preferred skills.

Work-Search Wednesdays

Drop-in and virtual appointments

Each Wednesday for resume review and job search assistance in Hoke second floor 11am-1pm.

Employer Wednesdays

Featured Employer: Eastern Oregon Workforce Board

Eastern Oregon Workforce Board will be visiting campus on April 10th, 2024 to be a guest on the EOU Career Talk podcast and to connect with students by tabling. They will be in Hoke from 11am-1pm, stop by and speak with their representatives about employment opportunities!

Check out the discussion with Lindsey Arnson and Kasi Cooper from the Eastern Oregon Workforce Board highlighting their summer internship opportunities.

Click here to listen to the podcast

Featured Resource

PathwayU is a platform that gives you an amazing value during all steps in your college through career journey. PathwayU is powered by a predictive algorithm to help guide you to an educational choice, help with vocational exploration and find employment pathways where you will live with the greatest sense of purpose and meaning.

Focus 2 Career guides students through a reliable intuitive career & education decision making model to help them choose majors offered here at EOU, explore occupations & make informed career decisions.

EOU Career Talk Podcast

Career Talk is a student-managed podcast highlighting the experiential learning taking place as our EOU students engage in student employment & internship activity while showcasing local and regional employers providing meaningful student employment opportunities for our EOU students. Hosted by the EOU Career Services Student Staff Team and WorkSource Oregon, each episode delves into what student are learning along with employer interviews sharing details of their student employment positions.

Click here to listen to the podcast

Our Approach to Career Development

We guide and coach students through the multiple aspects of career development. From the beginning stages of career exploration, to preparing for job interviews after graduation, EOU Career Services takes a foundational approach to helping EOU students connect their coursework to the workforce.

The Career Development Process

  1. An awareness to engage in career-decision making
  2. Engage in self-exploration and evaluate goals
  3. Engage in career and occupational exploration
  4. Gather information about potential career-paths
  5. Determine tentative choices
  6. Decide on necessary training and education
  7. Get a job!

Career Services Team

Director of Career Services

Inlow 115F

Student Employee Team

Megan Gustafson

Experiential Student Employment Intern

Angel Sandoval

Outreach and Recruitment Student Lead


Eastern Oregon University’s Career Service staff is diligent about ensuring the integrity and legitimacy of the on-campus student job postings. EOU Student Employment jobs are screened and verified by Career Services staff before posting.