Graduate Assistantships

Graduate Assistantships

As graduate assistants at Eastern Oregon University (EOU), our primary role is to engage in research and creative activities that contribute to the advancement of knowledge within our respective fields. These activities encompass a diverse range of endeavors, from conducting experiments and gathering data to analyzing existing literature and proposing innovative ideas.

In our research pursuits, we strive to push the boundaries of current knowledge by building upon established foundations or exploring entirely new directions. This often involves synthesizing existing research findings, identifying gaps in knowledge, and formulating hypotheses or research questions to address these gaps.

Creativity is a fundamental aspect of our work as graduate assistants at EOU, as we seek to generate novel insights and solutions to complex problems. Whether we are designing experiments, developing theoretical models, or creating artistic works, we endeavor to approach our work with ingenuity and originality.

Furthermore, we recognize the importance of communicating our findings and ideas to professional communities and broader audiences. Through publications, presentations, exhibitions, and other forms of dissemination, we share our research outcomes with colleagues, peers, and stakeholders, fostering dialogue and collaboration within our fields.

Ultimately, as graduate assistants engaged in research and creative activity at EOU, we are committed to making meaningful contributions to our disciplines while upholding the highest standards of scholarship and professionalism. For available positions and opportunities, please visit the EOU Career Services page.

Graduate Assistantship Contract

EOU Graduate Assistantships Testimonies