


The Career Services Department manages the internal EOU Community Internship Program and supports students locating employer-sponsored & paid internship student employment positions.

Internships In internship roles, our primary focus is to actively participate in projects and initiatives that contribute to the growth and development of the organization. These experiences involve a wide array of tasks, from assisting with day-to-day operations to contributing fresh perspectives and innovative solutions.

During our internships, we aim to immerse ourselves in the company’s culture and objectives, learning from experienced professionals while also bringing our own unique insights and skills to the table. We actively seek out opportunities to contribute to ongoing projects, tackle new challenges, and make tangible impacts on the organization’s goals. Creativity plays a crucial role in our internship experiences as we strive to approach tasks and projects with fresh ideas and innovative approaches. Whether it’s brainstorming solutions to problems, designing marketing campaigns, or optimizing processes, we aim to think outside the box and propose novel strategies. Moreover, effective communication is key to our success as interns. We understand the importance of articulating our ideas clearly and concisely, whether it’s through written reports, presentations, or collaborative discussions. By effectively communicating our contributions and insights, we can build strong relationships with colleagues and supervisors while also showcasing our potential to future employers.

Ultimately, as interns, we are dedicated to making valuable contributions to the organizations we serve, gaining practical experience, and honing our skills for future career endeavors. We are committed to upholding professional standards and making the most of our internship opportunities to grow and succeed in our chosen fields.


NACE research has consistently documented the connection between a paid internship and an increase in the number of job offers. In this survey, results show that those who have done a paid internship receive an average of 1.61 job offers compared to 0.95 job offers for those who have done an unpaid internship and 0.77 job offers for those who have not done an internship at all. For starters, our results revealed this astonishing fact:

Students who use the career center’s help to find an internship are 2.2 times more likely to get a paid internship than an unpaid internship or no internship at all.

Graduating seniors who took part in paid internships are 2.4 times more likely to say their degree is related to the job they ultimately landed—and those who believe their job and degree are related are 3.3 times more likely to say their institution prepared them well for their career.

Internship opportunities should have these qualities:

Eastern Oregon University supports paid internships connecting coursework learning to a work-based experience.

Is the Position an Internship?

Internships Include:

  1. Position description includes the application of the knowledge gained in your coursework to a real-world employment experience vs. filling a position that a regular employee would routinely perform.
  2. Inclusion of Learning Objectives connected to academic program/course learning outcomes.
  3. A specific beginning and end of employment; short-term usually consistent with the University enrollment schedule.
  4. Direct supervision by an experience professional providing productive documented feedback, guidance, and the resources necessary to complete the position duties

Internship vs. Externship


  • Gain skills and experience
  • Work with a team
  • Semester or summer program
  • May or may not be credit-bearing
  • May or may not be paid


  • Get an overview of a career
  • Observe a workplace
  • Short-term (days or weeks) experience
  • Typically not for credit
  • Usually unpaid

Questions to Consider

Decide on the following questions before you start to look for an internship:

  • What do you want to learn? Is this connected to your academic program and/or specific courses?
  • Are you interested in a specific indsutry or a specific occupation?
  • Do you have a specific faculty member in mind to connect with or your faculty advisor?

Part-Time Jobs Can Be Experiential Learning Opportunities

  • Seek employment in an industry and a position connected to your academic program/courses-of-interest
  • Once your job duties are dialed in, ask for duties connected to your coursework

“An internship is a form of experiential learning that integrates knowledge and theory learned in the classroom with practical application and skills development in a professional workplace setting.”

-National Association of Colleges and Employers

EOU Community Internship Program

Multiple EOU departments and academic programs offer a student internship experience.  The current position are:

  1. Community Health Outreach Intern sponsored by the EOU Human and Health Performance Department
  2. LEAP (Lab for Exercise Assessment & Performance) Intern sponsored by the EOU Human and Health Performance Department
  3. MOVE Lab Intern sponsored by the EOU Human and Health Performance Department
  4. VITA (Volunteer Income Tax Assistance) Intern sponsored by the EOU Accounting Department
  5. Outreach & Engagement Intern sponsored by the EOU Outdoor Adventure Program
  6. Sports Management Intern sponsored by the EOU Athletics Department
  7. Public Relations Intern sponsored by the EOU University Advancement Department