Experiential Learning Podcast Testimonies

Student Employment

Experiential Learning Podcast Testimonies

Darby McDevitt – Community Health Internship

In this episode, we delve into the world of Experiential Learning with Darby McDevitt, discussing her Community Health Internship. Darby shares how this immersive experience has been pivotal in applying her academic knowledge to real-world health issues. She explores the ways in which the internship has not only enhanced her skills but also profoundly influenced her perspective on community health initiatives and public health policies.

Kyndra Nelson – College of Education

In this episode, we chat with Kyndra Nelson from the College of Education, diving into her journey through her student job role. Kyndra shares how her position not only supports her academically but also incorporates crucial Experiential Learning elements, allowing her to apply theoretical knowledge in real-world settings and enhancing her skills as a future educator

Nicholas Vece – Theatre Department

In today’s episode, we sit down with Nicholas Vece from the Theatre Department to discuss his student job and its role in his educational journey. Nicholas highlights how his work in the department enriches his learning experience, blending practical, hands-on tasks with his academic studies in theater, thereby fostering a deeper understanding of the artistic process and professional development.

Saira Amaral Ramirez – Admissions & Agriculture

In this episode, we’re joined by Saira Amaral Ramirez, who bridges her roles in Admissions and Agriculture. Saira discusses how her student job enhances her educational experience by merging experiential learning with her studies. She explains how working in both admissions and agriculture provides unique insights and practical skills, preparing her for a dynamic career in agricultural sciences and beyond.

Hailey Hochhalter – Summer Bridge Mentor

In this edition of Student Job Spotlight, we feature Hailey Hochhalter, who excels as a Summer Bridge Mentor. Join us as Hailey shares her enriching experience guiding incoming students through their transition to college life. She explains how this role not only deepens her leadership skills but also embodies the essence of Experiential Learning by allowing her to apply her knowledge in supportive and impactful ways.

T Gallegos – EOU Wrestling Graduate Assistant

In this episode, we speak with T Gallegos, a Graduate Assistant for the EOU Wrestling team. T discusses the multifaceted role of being a graduate assistant, highlighting how it integrates experiential learning with his graduate studies. He shares insights on the unique challenges and learning opportunities that come with coaching, mentoring, and managing the wrestling team, which enhance his leadership skills and deepen his understanding of sports management.

Tally Connors – Sports Information Internship

In this episode, we’re joined by Tally Connors, who is currently undertaking a Sports Information Internship. Tally talks about how her internship allows her to blend her passion for sports with her academic pursuits in communications. She highlights the experiential learning aspects of her role, such as managing game-day operations and crafting engaging sports content, which provide her with invaluable hands-on experience in the sports media industry.

Marty Munyon – EOU Track & Field Graduate Assistant

In this episode, we explore the role of Marty Munyon as a Graduate Assistant for the EOU Track & Field team. Marty shares his experiences in the dynamic intersection of athletics and academics. He discusses how his position involves both coaching and administrative duties, providing him with a rich blend of experiential learning opportunities that enhance his skills in sports management and coaching, preparing him for a robust career in athletics.

Natanya Reed – Outdoor Adventure Program Internship

In today’s podcast, we connect with Natanya Reed to discuss her Outdoor Adventure Program Internship. Natanya dives into how her role as an intern allows her to harness her academic studies in outdoor education and apply them in real-world settings. She elaborates on the experiential learning opportunities that the internship offers, from planning and leading outdoor expeditions to teaching safety and survival skills, all of which prepare her for a future in outdoor leadership.

Anya Schooler – Health and Human Performance Internship

In today’s podcast, we talk with Anya Schooler about her internship in Health and Human Performance. Anya describes how this hands-on role provides her with the opportunity to apply classroom theories in real-life health and wellness settings. She discusses the breadth of experiential learning she encounters, from conducting fitness assessments to developing personalized training programs, all contributing to her growth as a future health professional.

Daniel Soupir – Move Lab Internship

In this episode, we’re joined by Daniel Soupir, who is currently immersed in a Move Lab internship. Daniel shares his experiences of integrating experiential learning through advanced motion analysis and biomechanics. He elaborates on how this internship allows him to apply his academic background in kinesiology in a practical setting, enhancing his understanding of human movement and preparing him for a career in sports science and rehabilitation.

Emily Barry – Education Department (Reading Ready)

In today’s podcast, we feature Emily Barry from the Education Department, focusing on the Reading Ready program. Emily discusses how her role in this initiative allows her to merge her passion for education with practical experience. She explains the experiential learning components of her job, such as developing curriculum and directly teaching young learners, which are essential in honing her skills as an aspiring educator and literacy specialist

Abby Lusco – Disability Center

In this episode, we sit down with Abby Lusco from the Disability Center to discuss her impactful role. Abby explains how her position helps integrate experiential learning by allowing her to apply her knowledge in psychology and social work to support students with disabilities. She details the enriching experiences that come from developing accessibility resources and advocacy initiatives, which not only enhance her professional skills but also deepen her understanding of inclusivity in educational environments.