Supervisor Steps for Employing a Student

Supervisor Steps for Employing a Student

Step 1: Preparing a Student Job Description

  • Begin creating your job description by filling out this Google Form
  • We will then follow up and collaborate to finalize the description

Step 2: Posting an EOU Student Job

  • We will collaborate to create a job posting based on the position description
  • After the supervisor reviews and approves the posting, the position will be posted on our physical and online job board
  • Student applicants will contact you via email with the requested application materials, and you will provide them with ‘next step’ communication
  • Draft your interview questions based on the hiring criteria and finalize them after the posting is live.

Step 3: Reviewing & Selecting

  • Create a timeline and messaging for your search including a review-of-applicants and interviewing schedule for your student applicants
  • Using your hiring criteria, rate your applicants and select for interviews
  • Schedule the interviews (do not interview alone) and use your hiring criteria-related questions
  • Document the applicant’s responses and your comments/notes – file them
  • Document your final selection using your hiring criteria as a framework – file
  • Officially offer the position to the selected applicants and communicate to the non selected applicants

Step 4: Hiring & Payroll

  • Start the process of hiring by getting the student electronically entered into our Web Time Entry system by setting up the timesheet. Within the electronic EOU Student Employee Management system, click on the Hire New Students Employee button and submit the EOU Student Employee Hire New Student form. Link
  • Student and supervisor set up timesheet submission and approval schedule with calendar notifications; EOU pay period for students goes from the 15th to the 14th of each month

Step 5: Performance Evaluation & Learning Outcomes

  • Onboarding & continuous training activities/schedule
  • Regularly scheduled check-ins focused on: 1) performance feedback, 2) evaluating needs for training/professional development, and 3) progress toward achieving learning outcomes

Step 6: Concluding Employment