Supervisor Tools and Resources

Supervisor Tools and Resources

EOU Career Services has gathered and created multiple resources to help you with the hiring and supervision process of employing a student. The EOU Student Employment program is designed to not only employ students, but guide them through the beginning stages of their career development journey, and facilitate growth both as a student and young professional. By outlining learning outcomes and connecting them to their employment, students find meaningful connection between their education and employment.

Preparing to Hire

This guide is designed to step you through all the information you will need during the steps of employing a student.

Create Job Description

When customizing your job description, please incorporate information for all of the following categories:

Design Learning Outcomes

Every student job is expected to provide a work experience designed to increase a student’s professional development. This is designed by creating a list of what the student will know, do, or feel because they engaged in the job duties connected to:

  1. Their coursework (academic learning outcomes)
  2. The job industry (industry related learning outcomes)
  3. A set of professional employability skills (career ready learning outcomes)

Resources for Developing Learning Outcomes:

  • Academic Learning Outcomes: showing how the job duties might connect to the student’s coursework
  • Industry-Related Learning Outcomes: showing how the job duties might connect to the student’s coursework
  • Career-Readiness Learning Outcomes: showing how the job might connect to the major employability skills the student will practice given the nature of the job. Check out NACE’s Career-Readiness Competencies.

Supervision & Coaching

It is important to prioritize the time and energy you invest as a supervisor into your student employees’ professional development. Consider the following areas to focus on:

  • Prioritize time with your student employee
  • Onboarding – set your ground rules; code of conduct; how are you expected to behave
  • Frequent Feedback: frequently provide feedback on the student’s job performance and ask for feedback
  • Health Courageous Communication (Galen Emanuele): Say what needs to be said
  • Hold the student employee accountable for their actions

Assessment Each Term: schedule time to assess to student’s overall employee performance based on job duties, and the progress of all the learning outcomes

  • Use the GROW Learning Assessment
  • Use the NACE Career-Ready Competencies’ list of behaviors as discussion points