College of Business


To be known for responsive and engaging undergraduate and graduate programs, students who are recognized as effective professionals and leaders and sought after by employers in an ever-changing global environment, and valued partners with regional businesses and service organizations serving as catalysts for economic growth and workforce development.


The Eastern Oregon University College of Business is committed to academic excellence and a learner-centered environment characterized by quality teaching and academic advising, outcomes assessment, student engagement, experiential learning and career-ready programs. We strive to be noted for preparing our students to become ethical business leaders who can think critically, solve problems, and communicate effectively in an ever-changing global environment, socially responsible citizens who foster greater inclusivity and lifelong learners.  We also seek to impact regional economic and workforce development through responsive programming, consulting and small business services.


The goal of our IACBE-accredited Accounting program and Post-baccalaureate Accounting Certificate is to provide students with the knowledge and skills expected of accountants today leading to successful and rewarding careers.

Agriculture Entrepreneurship

The agriculture entrepreneurship degree program an transfer-friendly option provides a unique learning experience where you’ll apply basic science and business and agriculture business knowledge and skills to real world projects. The entrepreneurial focus means harnessing your passion, creativity, and knowledge to help you develop the ability to identify potential marketplace opportunities and uncover the most appropriate ways and time to capitalize on them.

Business Administration

Our business degree refines curiosity for life and learning, as well as an awareness of social responsibilities and the ethical implications of  business decisions.

Bachelor of Applied Science (BAS) in Business Administration

The Bachelor of Applied Science (BAS) degree program at Eastern Oregon University is transfer friendly and for those who have completed an Applied Associate degree at a community college and are interested in achieving a bachelor degree with an emphasis in Business Administration.


The goal of Economics degree program is to provide high-quality, high-value and practical educational experiences focused on historical, contemporary and international economic concepts and issues relevant to careers in business administration, education, resource management, and public service.

Fire Services Administration (FSA) – Online

The goal of our top ranked FSA program is to provide fire service professionals the opportunity to obtain a bachelor’s degree entirely online in their professional field and seek advancement. Students can now choose to follow an optional 24 credit hour Wildland Fire Track in lieu of fire service lower division required courses pathway.


The marketing degree program provides a solid business and marketing foundation that emphasizes the career-ready knowledge, skills, and abilities employers seek in new hires and those seeking advancement. We integrate real world experiential, hands-on and project-based learning experiences culminating in a portfolio that can showcase your learning and skill sets to potential employers.

Emergency Medical Services Administration (EMSA) – Online

Designed primarily for paramedics and EMT’s seeking advanced knowledge related to the management and administration of emergency medical systems (EMS), the goal of our highly reputable Emergency Medical Services Administration (EMSA) program is to prepare paramedics and EMT’s seeking advanced knowledge related to the management and administration of emergency medical systems (EMS) and is available entirely online.

Military Science/Army ROTC & Leadership Minor

The Eastern Oregon University Military Science/ROTC program is specifically designed to develop leaders of all disciplines. Our Military Science/ROTC program is committed to the success of our cadets both academically and in the military. The Army ROTC is an elective curriculum you take along with your required college classes while our specialized applied leadership minor is open to all EOU majors.

Master of Business Administration (MBA) – Online

The goal of our IACBE-accredited Master in Business Administration online program is to provide high-quality, high-value and flexible online educational experiences that advance career opportunities designed to help you succeed in a rapidly changing global economy. Our online graduate students find the EOU MBA reputable, affordable, flexible and convenient.

Center for Economic Information

The Eastern Oregon Center for Economic Information conducts economic analyses using research tools like IMPLAN, customized indices, and regional economic modeling to assist public, private, and non-profit organizations improve their decision-making. This can relate to project viability, economic impact, or ranking of alternatives, for example.

Mine Safety

Our federally-mandated Mine Safety and Health Training Program provides training for mines operating in Oregon through Eastern Oregon University. A primary objective of the program is to provide the health and safety training needed to reduce mine-related accidents, injuries, and illnesses. Training is offered at or near the mine operation and is site-specific. Another program focus is helping to make mine operators aware of their legal obligations under the 30 CFR and in meeting training and reporting requirements, establishing legal identity, and in creating training plans and other required documentation. 


The College of Business at Eastern Oregon University has received specialized accreditation for its business programs through the International Accreditation Council for Business Education (IACBE) located at 11374 Strang Line Road in Lenexa, Kansas, USA.  For a listing of accredited programs, read the PDF at the link here.