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My major fields of study and teaching are International Business, Strategic Management, and Organizational Behavior. I have more than thirty years experience in higher education as a professor and administrator and in the private sector as a manager, management consultant, and research geologist. I also serve as a faculty adviser to Speel-Ya, the Native American Student Society at EOU.
My current research interest is Good Customer Service as a Global Sustainable Business Practice. I like to look at “the big picture”; how the entire organization exists and competes in the global environment.
I am currently a Professor of Business at EOU and also hold the title of Emeritus Professor of Business at Central Washington University in Ellensburg Washington. Prior to joining the EOU College of Business in 2004, I taught at the University of Southern California, Central Washington University, Montana State University-Billings and Northwestern State University in Louisiana.
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College of Business Eastern Oregon University One University Boulevard Zabel Hall 255 La Grande, OR 97850 Phone: 541.962.3644 Fax: 541.962.3701 E-Mail: