Mine Safety Training at EOU

Mine Safety Training at EOU
The Mine Safety and Health Program is operated through the College of Business at Eastern Oregon University. The program employs a full-time mine safety training instructor, reporting to the Dean of the College of Business.
The Comprehensive Mine Safety and Health Program:
- Provides appropriate and up-to-date on-site Annual Refresher Training to mine personnel including special emphasis on miner’s rights; substance abuse; training program development; silicosis and related health issues; noise abatement; workplace examination; materials handling, working near water; slip or fall of person, powered haulage, gas or dust control; and machinery/machine guarding, and first-aid.
- Provides New Miner Training for mine personnel,
- Provides appropriate MSHA Cooperative Instructor Training in mine safety to mine personnel,
- To have the mining industry utilize the program as a resource for mining safety training, and
- Provides Mine Rescue Training to mine personnel.
The overall aims of this program are to:
- Reduce fatal mining accidents for Oregon State,
- Reduce the Oregon State mine industries’ nonfatal-days-lost incidence rate,
- Reduce the percentage of respirable dust samples (coal and silica) exceeding the applicable dust standards for designated high-risk occupations in Oregon State, and
- Reduce the percentage of noise exposures above the citation level in all Oregon State.
- Reduce the alcohol/and drug-related problems in Oregon State Mines.
Once a new miner has completed their coursework they must complete a one-time introduction to the mine work environment on-site at their new place of employment.
Trainings and Registration
Registration Information
Registration and payment must be received no later than the Friday prior to a session’s posted start date.
Registration must be received no later than the Friday prior to a session’s posted start date.
Please include an email or contact address in your registration email where your organization can be invoiced for the cost of trainings.
What to include in your registration email:
- Student name(s)
- Student contact information
- Class Name
- Class Date
- Surface or Underground Training–Or both.
Follow the link below to or send an email to minesafety@eou.edu to register individuals or groups for upcoming classes.
Once your registration has been confirmed please send your tuition payment check to:
Mine Safety
Eastern Oregon University
College of Business
Zabel 255
One University Boulevard
La Grande, OR 97850
Contact Us