Center for Teaching, Learning & Assessment

Center for Teaching, Learning & Assessment

CTLA Mission

CTLA is a group of academic leaders who provide a virtual resource hub for students, faculty, and staff to promote meaningful learning and student success by facilitating innovation, collaboration, and effectiveness in the classroom and the EOU community.

CTLA focuses on four areas to achieve its mission:

  1. Community of Practice:  Leaders of the CTLA work to create a community of teacher-scholars through mentorship and professional training led by resident scholars and practitioners.
  2. Professional Development: Leaders of the CTLA work closely with the faculty and the Instructional Designer to engage faculty in the professional development focus of teaching and learning results in academic quality and student success. 
  3. Assessment: Leaders of the CTLA are responsible for coordinating, creating, analyzing, and putting action around the data regarding the learning outcome assessments of students that lead to improvements in academic program quality.
  4. Innovation: Leaders of the CTLA support and encourage innovation in the classroom through professional development and experimentation.

Teaching and Learning

Teaching and Learning is the sharing and acquisition of knowledge and experiences.


Program assessment is defined as the systematic and ongoing method of gathering, analyzing, and using information from various sources about a program and measuring program outcomes in order to improve student learning.   

Academic Affairs
Eastern Oregon University
Inlow Hall 239
Phone: 541-962-3511