Early College Initiatives

Early College Initiatives
Early College – Dual Credit
Welcome to Eastern Oregon University’s Early College Initiatives. The ECI page will guide you to all of the resources you will need in order to be successful in your next steps toward taking dual credit at your high school, college coursework directly from EOU, and learning more about how to support students as parents and teachers. Select your path and let’s get started towards your future.
All of the dual credit courses available to students count towards EOU degrees at EOU! Earning both high school and college credit at the same time gets you closer to earning your degree and starting your career.

The Early College Initiatives office and staff navigate paths for regional high school students to achieve early college credits. With the creation of Mountaineer Academic Plans and other support initiatives for students taking early college credits, Eastern will have a seamless transition to degree completion.
The Early College Initiatives office helps districts and students navigate toward degree completion by building bridges through early college credit, empowering students who previously were not exposed to a college going culture, and ensuring diverse and equitable support.
We uphold the foundation of professionalism, honesty, respect, and sincerity in all of our interactions with local high schools, EOU faculty and staff.
We cultivate vibrant connections and relationships to enhance opportunity and success locally within rural communities across Oregon. By listening to ideas across the region and throughout the EOU community, we establish long lasting relationships that can move high school initiatives forward and sustain them through ever changing fiscal realities and community needs.
In alignment with EOU’s value of discovery, the Early College Initiatives office will invest in a future with innovation, vision and creativity. Through analysis of past efforts with a lens for equity, change and forward thinking, the office will move early college initiatives into the future.

MAP Your Future
Eastern Oregon University invites high school administrators, counselors, teachers, students, and parents to connect with us today and learn how Early College coursework can help map out your future.
Call us today: 541-962-3086
Email: eci@eou.edu
Summer Institutes
Eastern Oregon University invites high school students to explore the wide range of summer programs available!