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All students who are registered as a student have access to the EOU library.
If a student is taking courses directly from faculty on campus or online they have the ability to access the tutoring services at EOU.
To utilize any IEP, 504 or specific disability services in Eastern’s courses, students must contact disability services directly to see what is available at EOU.
Your transcripts are a permanent record that will be needed at any and all schools you attend after high school. If you need official or unofficial EOU transcripts go directly to this page for directions of what your next steps are.
Know your rights as a student and how to get the most out of your education.
Wondering what you can be a part of on the EOU campus? Look at the main page and scroll to the calendar of events and join other Mountaineers for exciting activities all year long.
All students have a right to their privacy when it comes to their academic information. EOU is obligated to keep students’ information private unless specific forms are signed. You can see all of your rights at the following link.