Eastern Oregon University > EPCC > EPCC Forms and Directions

EPCC Forms and Directions

*Send completed forms to Angie Adams at aadams@eou.edu*
  1. To download the EPCC forms, download the document as a PDF (The form is a fillable  PDF which allows you to digitally fill out and print the form with ease).
  2. To download Google Word Documents, click on the desired link below. Once the document has appeared on your screen, click the “file” tab in the upper right-hand corner, scroll down to “download as” and select which format you would like the document downloaded to.
  3. Department and Dean signature required before submitting to EPCC.
  4. Submission of proposed curricular changes to EPCC must be turned in TEN BUSINESS days before a scheduled meeting.

Proposing a new course

  • Course Action form
  • Syllabus form
  • If the new course is intended to be Gen Ed, you also need to complete a Gen Ed (GEC) form.  The syllabus needs to also link Gen Ed outcomes to course assignments.
  • If the new course is intended to be UWR or DPD, you need to complete a UWR Form and/or DPD Form indicating which assignments fulfill the requirements for those categories.

Changing a course

Current courses are found on the catalog page Course Descriptions

[Number, title, credit and/or content]

What is needed:

[Small change in a catalog description]

If you are proposing a small change in the description wording, the change can be submitted during catalog updates.

[Changing a pre-requisite]

Pre-Requisite Change Request Form (submitted by the deans office)

[Deleting a course from the catalog]

  • Course Action form  
  • Be mindful about notifying all programs that could potentially be affected by the deletion.

Proposing a new program

[A new minor or certificate]

What is needed:

[A new major or degree – Approval process can take up to 18 months]

Changing a current program

Current checksheets are found on the catalog website 2024-2025 Academic Program Checksheets
  • Program Action Form
  • Use the current checksheet from the 2024-2025 Academic Program Checksheets page.
    • find the checksheet you want to make changes to and select the print icon in the top right corner
    • from the print screen highlight all the content and select Ctrl C to save it.
    • Open a word doc and select Ctrl V to paste the saved checksheet into the word doc where you can make track changes or color the items to remove in red and the new items in green. Here is an example (EPCC minor change checksheet example)
    • contact the deans office or the registrar if you need assistance (esharrratt@eou.edu)
  • Marketing Brochure (if needed)

Deleting/Suspending an Existing Program

Existing Program -New Location –Approval process can take up to 18 months


For General Education Course Action GEC Criteria  |  GEC Sample

For University Writing Requirement Course Action: Webpage

For Difference, Power, Discrimination Course Action: DPD Requirement  | DPD Rubric  |  DPD Sample

Syllabus: Syllabus Sample

Higher Education Coordinating Commission Reference Documents

Process and Forms

Public Institutions seeking program approval should download and utilize these documents to provide policy, guidance and format for the review and program approval processes. Policy and Guidelines for New Program Proposals