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All research conducted at Eastern Oregon University involving the use of human subjects is guided by the Code of Federal Regulations (
In summary, criteria for research involving human subjects assumes:
Eastern Oregon University, like every other institution receiving federal grants, has a committee charged with reviewing all research conducted at the University for conformity to 45cfr46. At present, the Institutional Review Board (IRB) is the designated review body.
Eastern Oregon University is responsible for the protection of the rights and welfare of human subjects used in research by, or under the supervision of, faculty and staff members of the University, when suchresearch is carried out as part of their duties as teacher, investigator, thesis advisor or student, or other academic activity. This responsibility is delegated to the IRB to the extent that the Committee shall determine for all activity, as planned and conducted, whether the rights and welfare of all subjects will be adequately protected.
To meet this responsibility, the Committee will review proposed research projects conducted by faculty members, University staff, or students, whether funded or not, when use of the facilities, services, or personnel of the University, and human subjects are involved. The membership of the Committee consists of full-time faculty members of Eastern Oregon University (in cases involving federal funding this committee will be expanded as required by 45cfr46). Members are appointed by and serve at the discretion of the Provost. The Committee meets at the call of its chairperson to consider questions of policy and individual research proposals which require review.
The task of the IRB is to work with individuals conducting research to assure that all research involving human subjects meets the criteria defined in 45cfr46.
Research involving human subjects whether non-funded or funded from any source will be reviewed and must meet the criteria. If you have questions about whether a project needs IRB review contact the Chair, or refer to HHS policy 45cfr46 Part 46 FR 8392 for exemptions.
Research supervised by EOU faculty and conducted by students as part of class projects, course requirements, and/or demonstrations may be exempt from a full IRB review process and undergo an expedited review by the Chair as per HHS 46.110. In these cases a full IRB review may be requested by either the Chair or by the supervising faculty.
Be aware that whether or not your research is federally funded, and whether or not you think it may be exempt from review, you need IRB approval to proceed if your research involves data that will be collected from human subjects.
You will receive written communication from the IRB indicating either approval of your proposal, or setting conditions which must be met before the proposal will be approved. DATA COLLECTION INVOLVING HUMAN SUBJECTS MAY NOT BEGIN BEFORE APPROVAL IS RECEIVED.
Even after approval, it will be necessary to notify the IRB of any changes in your research plans. If the duration of your study is longer than a year, you will be required to submit a brief progress report annually.
Thank you for accessing the Human Research Protection Training provided by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. While not currently required at EOU, many students and some faculty might be new to human subject research and the protections afforded human participants. In addition, some grants and funding agencies may have an educational requirement for investigators and key personnel involved. This link is meant as a training guide for those interested in learning more about human subjects research. EOU’s Human Subjects Committee highly recommends utilizing this training (or others of similar guidance) prior to beginning any student project and/or student research which will require the recruitment of human participants.
Dr. Aaron Thornburg, Chair, IRBAckerman Hall 100One University Blvd.La Grande, OR 97850athornburg@eou.edu541.962.3349