Step 2: Submit Documents

How do I send personally identifiable information (PII) securely?

  • Send your documents via United States Postal Service (USPS);
  • Fax them to 541-962-3661;
  • Upload electronically through the secure document dropbox;
  • Encrypt document(s) and attach them to an email, preferably from your EOU email account. The minimum acceptable encryption is AES 256-bit. Password must be provided separately.

WinZip instructions for file/folder encryption and password protection

There are many applications that have the ability to encrypt attachments. An example is provided here for WinZip™, with the caveat that this is not the only acceptable method, and unless very carefully configured, WinZip would not fit the Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS) which is defined by FIPS 140-2. The minimum acceptable encryption is AES 256-bit for PSIs.

  1. Open a folder to the location of the file(s)/folder(s) that you wish to encrypt.
  2. Select the file(s)/folder(s) that you wish to encrypt. Note that in order to select more than one file/folder, you must press the “Ctrl” key on the keyboard while selecting them.
  3. Right-click over one of the selected items.
  4. Select WinZip. From the submenu that appears, select “Add to Zip File.”
  5. In the “Add Files” dialog box, specify a ‘File name’ and ‘Destination’ (location) for the finished Zip file.
  6. Select “.Zip” as the Compression Type.
  7. Under Encryption, check the “Encrypt files” box.
  8. Click the “Add” button.
  9. A pop-up window may appear saying “You should be aware of the advantages and disadvantages of the various encryption methods before using this feature. Please press the F1 key for more information, particularly if this is the first time you are using encryption.” Select the “OK” button to continue.
  10. In the “Enter Password” field, enter an appropriate password. Passwords must be at least eight characters and must contain at least one of each the following: a lowercase character (a-z), an uppercase character (A-Z), a number character (0-9), and a symbol character (!, @, #, $, %, ^, &, *, etc.).
  11. In the “Re-enter Password” field, enter the same password from Step #10, and remember the password for future reference.
  12. Click the “OK” button.
  13. A pop-up window may appear saying “Add Complete. Your files have been added. The files will be compressed and encrypted when saved.” Click the “OK” button to continue.
  14. The encrypted WinZip file should be in the location identified in Step #5 above.
  15. The password must not be included in the same message and should either be included in a separate email or verbally provided to the intended user.