Jean McKenzie Scholarship
Jean McKenzie Scholarship
“I am a junior at EOU, studying English with an emphasis in writing. My ultimate career goal is to be able to write for literary or outdoor magazines from anywhere in the world.
Growing up with seven siblings, my parents tried their best to make education important in our home. They helped me set up a college savings fund, but the cost was still unaffordable. Then I happened upon EOU and consider the rest to be nothing short of fate. I even received a hand-written acceptance letter from President Davies!
I was awarded the Jean McKenzie Scholarship through the EOU Foundation, and it allows me to put my whole heart into my studies and maintain a 3.9 GPA. In 2014 I will become a first-generation college graduate. This will not only be my greatest accomplishment, but an experience that has completely changed me as a person, the way I view the world and value learning. Everyone deserves the chance to attend school and evaluate their goals, and I truly look forward to giving back one day, too. The EOU Foundation may never know how much their support affects the lives of college students, but I can tell you it has made all the difference in mine.”