About the Foundation

About the Foundation
Established in 1964, the Eastern Oregon University Foundation is a public, non-profit foundation, created to support the mission and vision of Eastern Oregon University. Over the past four decades, the Foundation has become a vital force for higher education in eastern Oregon, with assets of approximately $16 million. More than 300 individual scholarships provide over $800,000 to EOU students, and the Foundation continues to grow, seeking philanthropic gifts from alumni and friends. For more information about the EOU Foundation, please call (541) 962-3740. All members of the Foundation Trustees and its committees are volunteers who work with University leadership and University Advancement. More information about University Advancement can be found at www.eou.edu/ua
Board of Directors
The EOU Foundation Board of Directors consists of nine to fifteen trustees, elected by the Board of Trustees, and is responsible for the governance and oversight of the Foundation. The Board has four standing committees to provide support and oversight to the Foundation: Finance, Trusteeship & Nominating, Audit, and Fundraising. The Board of Directors shall supervise the affairs of the Foundation. The Board of Directors shall serve as the fundraising committee of the EOU Foundation. For additional information, please contact foundation@eou.edu or call 541-962-3740.
James Gorham, ’95, Chair
Brent Gunderson, ’01, Vice Chair
Emily Folkestad, ’08, ’11, Treasurer
Dawnette Waters, ’97, Secretary
Board of Directors:
Adriana DalSoglio, ’06, ’08
Scott Davidson, ‘83
Linda Gleeson
Tom Insko, ’94
Patrick Nearing, ’75
Craig Nightingale, ’74
Mark Pearson, ’77
Matt Scarfo, ’98
2024-25 Trustees
- Carey Allison, ’90
- Robert Bates, ’06
- Cliff Bentz, ’74
- Craig Braseth
- Adriana DalSoglio, ’06, ’08
- Michael Daugherty, ’74
- Scott Davidson, ’83
- Lynn Duncan
- Emily Folkestad, ’08
- Michael Freese
- Linda Gleeson
- Timothy Gleeson
- James Gorham, ’95
- C. Joseph Grover
- Brent Gunderson, ’01
- Marcella Haines
- Richard Hermens
- Ann Hutchinson, ’80
- Tom Insko, ’94
- Michael Jaeger
- Jack Johnson, ’72
- Steven Joseph, ’72
- Terry Lemon, ’69
- Mary Jo Lemon, ’67
- Kevin Loveland
- Edward Lund
- Dixie Lund, ’73
- Colby Marshall
- James McMahan, ’76
- Patrick Nearing, ’75
- Craig Nightingale, ’74
- Joseph Null
- G. Susanna Ogston
- Mark Pearson, ’77
- R. Matthew Scarfo, ’98
- R. Doyle Slater
- Gregory Smith, ’94
- Bradford Stephens
- Norman Stewart, ’95
- Luke Swanson, ’01
- Margaret Valentine
- Eric Valentine
- Dawnette Waters, ’97
- Peter Wordelman
Resources & Forms
University Support Grant
The EOU Foundation University Support Grant Fund is intended to promote EOU faculty and staff projects and initiatives including, but not limited to; professional development, research and creative endeavors. The Foundation hopes that these grants will foster a sense of involvement between the faculty, staff and the Foundation and support the mission of the University.
Alumni Database Request
Please complete this form when you need a query for alumni contacts.
If you are in need of additional forms, please contact the Foundation office at foundation@eou.edu or call 541-962-3740.