Health Services
- Illness & Disease Management
- Laboratory Testing
- Immunizations, TB Testing, & Titers
- Physical Exams: sports, travel, & annual wellness exams
- The EOU Student Health Center does not perform evaluations or prescribe medications for ADD/ADHD. If you have an existing prescription for ADD/ADHD medication, we encourage you to continue your treatment relationship with your own provider.
Reproductive Health
- Men’s & Women’s Health Care
- Birth Control Education & Supplies
- STI/STD Testing, Education, & Treatment
- Annual Exams for Women
- Emergency Contraception (i.e. “Plan B”)
Wellness Education & Resources
- General Nutrition & Exercise
- Sports Nutrition (individuals & athletic teams)
- Weight Loss/Gain/Maintenance
- Body Composition Assessment (Bioimpedence scale measures body fat, fat free mass, total body water)
- Sleep Hygiene
- Stress Management
- Sexual Health
International Student Health Insurance
Visit the Counseling Center