Wellness Program
Individual wellness visits can be made for students to be assessed and/or work towards a wellness goal:

- Nutrition-assessing your dietary needs
- Weight Management-weight loss, gain, or maintenance
- Body Composition Assessments-look for options at the Health Hut in Badgley (hours TBD)
- Exercise-assessing activity level and needs
- Sleep & Stress-assessing habits and tips for success
- Tobacco, Alcohol & Other Drugs-resources about using and quitting
- Sexual Health-prevention of Sexually Transmitted Infections
Call 541-962-3524 to schedule an appointment!
Self Help Resources
Go Ask Alice! via Columbia University
Tobacco Free Campus and Local Tobacco Resources
Immunization Recommendations for Students via ACHA
Effective Studying Strategies via OSU
Bedsider-Sexual Health & Relationships