Community Health

A concentration in Community Health prepares students to design, implement and evaluate health promotion programs within populations.

Community health addresses the physical, mental and environmental health concerns of communities to prevent risk and injury. Students will receive hands-on practical application of theory-driven process to promote health and prevent disease.


BIO 231-233 Human Anatomy & Physiology I-III
HHP 131 Professional Careers and Foundations in HHP
HHP 312 Measurement & Evaluation in Physical Activity & Health
HHP 350 Behavior Change Theory

Community Health Concentration

CH 250 Personal Health & Wellness
CH 298 Lifetime Fitness
CH 317 Global Health
CH 351 Introduction to Community Health
CH 352 Cultural Competence in Health Education & Promotion
CH 380 Legal & Ethical Issues in Health Education & Promotion
CH 412 Program Planning
CH 413 Program Evaluation
EXS 452 Physical Activity in Disease Prevention

(pick 10 credits from the following)

CH 198 Outdoor Activity and Lifetime Wellness
EXS 323 Physiology of Exercise
CH 334 Female Adolescent Development
CH 335 Male Adolescent Development
OUT 360 Rewilding
CH 422 Gerontology and Healthy Activities
CH 423 Aging & Society
CH 431 Alcohol & Drugs Prevention
CH 432 Substance Abuse & Family Relations
CH 433 Alcohol & Drugs: Use, Misuse, & Addiction
EXS 444 Adaptive Physical Activity
HHP 496 Capstone/Research