Retirement Expo Links
Human Resources is following up on our May Retirement Expo with links and information for those who couldn’t attend the presentation, either off campus or at other events that day.
Please let me know if you have any questions we can help with.
Thank you,
Jacque Naegle
Assistant HR Director/Benefit Manager
Social Security Administration
- The United States Social Security Administration | SSA
- Home |
- Benefits Planner | Social Security Credits and Benefit Eligibility | SSA
- Social Security Benefit Amounts (
- Benefit Reduction for Early Retirement (
- Benefits Planner: Retirement | Windfall Elimination Provision (WEP) | SSA
- Benefit Calculators | SSA
- Retirement Earnings Test Calculator (
- Benefits Planner | Income Taxes And Your Social Security Benefit | SSA
- Benefits Planner: Retirement | Benefits For Your Family | SSA
- Government Pension Offset (
- Survivors Benefits | SSA
- If You Are the Survivor | SSA
- Benefits for People with Disabilities (
- Supplemental Security Income (SSI) | SSA
- Plan for Medicare | SSA
- Welcome to Medicare | Medicare
- my Social Security | SSA
- What is an Account? | my Social Security | SSA
Senior Health Insurance Benefits Assistance (SHIBA)
- Medicare help near you
- Find a free class near you
- Key Medicare contacts
- Schedule a Medicare class
- 2024 Medicare Guide
PERS Health Insurance Program (PHIP)
Oregon Savings and Growth (457b)
- OSGP Prerecorded workshops
- What is OSGP?
- Why do I need to ‘bridge the gap’ in saving for retirement?
- What does OSGP offer?
- OSGP Log in
- Enroll in OSGP
- Fidelity Webcast Hub
- Log In for Existing Customers
- This link is where you can log on to see their TDI and ORP plans at Fidelity. There is a link on the top of the page that says:
- Plan & Learn
- Then, under the words “Learn”
- Click on “Get answers to your financial questions,” and you can search for a topic or click through the available options, etc.
- This link is where you can log on to see their TDI and ORP plans at Fidelity. There is a link on the top of the page that says: