Interdisciplinary Studies

Interdisciplinary Studies

Just the right fit

Combine two minors and design a degree that fits your career goals. Not sure which two? Work with an EOU advisor to build a customized study plan. This create-your-own degree adjusts to your interests and needs with flexible options to make the most of transfer credits and on-the-job experience. Interdisciplinary Studies equips graduates with problem-solving and critical-thinking skills for the future.

Integrative learning is an understanding and a disposition built through engaging with multiple disciplines, the co-curriculum, personal and work experience, and the community. Integrative learning occurs as students pose and answer authentic questions and approach problems that cut across disciplinary boundaries, call for diverse methods and types of evidence, and communicate conclusions to various audiences employing appropriate media.

Integrative learning develops intellectual curiosity, intercultural knowledge, and ethical responsibility, and emphasizes the interdependence of disciplines while creating habits of mind that prepare students to make reasoned judgments in response to complex problems in their personal, professional, and civic lives.

On Campus

Attend on campus in La Grande, Oregon.  Small classes with one-on-one support from both faculty, advisors and student services like TRiO create a student centered atmosphere. Our small cohort sizes are designed to foster a strong sense of community between students, faculty, and staff.  Exceptional residential hallsstudent clubs and activities and events such as the Outdoor Adventure Program complete the Mountaineer experience.

EOU Online

Get your degree 100% Online

Our 100% online option allows for the flexibility of online learning with our personalized academic support.

  • Part-time or full-time study gives you the flexibility to work with your schedule
  • Low cost per credit. Low student fees, too!

How to get started

Contact Us!

Dr. Kevin Jardaneh
Assistant Professor, Interdisciplinary Studies
Request an appointment:

“Serving in the Air National Guard while pursuing my bachelor’s degree online at Eastern Oregon University has afforded me the opportunity to take schoolwork with me while I travel for work or vacation. This convenient option allows me to work at my own pace while being geographically separated from campus!”

Sarah Dedek, National Guard
Interdisciplinary Studies
Hopkinsville, Kentucky

Sarah Dedek

Three Paths to Choose

Two EOU Minors

This option consists of picking two minors from any discipline offered at EOU as well as completing the 3 part capstone. These must be selected from separate program fields.

Transfer Minor + EOU Minor

This choice consists of picking one minor from any discipline offered at EOU, picking another minor from any other discipline offered at another regionally accredited university, as well as completing the 3 part capstone. To verify the minor is complete the Register’s Office will need a curriculum check sheet of the minor from the other institution, a letter from the institutions Registrar’s office stating minor is completed, and an official transcript from the other Institution/s where course work is located for verification.

Individualized Plan (ISIP) + EOU Minor

This major combines one EOU academic minor and a subject area of selected courses from other disciplines to form a coherent plan of study that is comparable to a minor, as well as completing the 3 part capstone. This plan is approved only after the submission of a proposal and course outline, which must be approved by the College of Arts, Humanities & Social Science Dean. At a minimum the student will need these requirements to have the dean look at their proposal.

  • Proposal containing: 250- word rationale, indicating the connections among the courses and linking them to professional interests or career goals, and to co-curricular or extracurricular interests.
  • A course outline containing at least 30 credits overall, 15 credits of upper division, 10 credits of residency, and a course outline.