Welcome to EOU IT!
EOU Information Technology department is dedicated to supporting the strategic mission of Eastern Oregon University. We maintain a commitment to service and support. Our focus will be both on supporting the effective integration of technology into the academic and administrative life of our institution and on keeping campus user technology current and easy to use. We will engage in an ongoing dialogue with the campus leadership about needed priorities for service, while at the same time providing leadership in the definition of those needs.
IT Help Desk
541-962-3111 | helpdesk@eou.edu | Located in Ackerman Hall 209
Monday – Friday, 9 am to 2 pm (excluding major holidays)
Please note that any phone calls to our office after hours will go to voicemail. If you leave a message, it will create an IT Help Desk Ticket and one of our staff will return your call as soon as the office opens.
EOU Knowledge Base
The EOU Knowledge Base is a centralized repository of information for all EOU students and staff regarding a wealth of information that can help them navigate anything at EOU!
Audio Visual Department
The Audio Visual (AV) Department is located in the basement of Ackerman Hall. There are three main functions of the AV department: support live events, support classroom audio-visual equipment, and provide videography for events. Audio Visual works with off-campus organizations and individuals, as well as other OUS schools, various government agencies, and private individuals, in addition to campus duties. Audio-Visual equipment is here for the use of Faculty, Staff, and Students. Faculty and Staff may checkout equipment directly, but students may checkout equipment only with the authorization of a Faculty member. The Faculty member must provide authorization information, the student’s name and an Index code for possible billing requirements. This information can be provided by email or in writing. Off-Campus groups meeting on-campus may use audio-visual gear, but must make arrangements with Events and Conferencing Services at 962-3575. Prepare for your event by checking out our Audio Visual Rates today!
Reserving Equipment
In order to reserve audio visual equipment, you will need to submit a request using the Audio Visual Request Form. You will need to have the following information on hand to successfully complete the form.
- Professor’s or Staff member’s name
- Index code for billing
- Date and time (start and end times)
- Location – building and room number
- The equipment you need
In the comment box at the bottom of the form, please include any other information we may need to assist you, e.g. if you need instruction or assistance with any of the equipment, or if we need to coordinate with other departments for setups and pickups and so on, will be needed at this time. Lack of any of this information may prevent us from being able to provide the service you request. We cannot guarantee that any request made less than 2 business days in advance can be accomplished. Please plan your event and other AV needs well in advance to ensure a successful event.
Live Events
The Audio Visual department provides equipment to a variety of events located on campus, whether it is a presentation (business or social), a public speaker, a movie night or even a dance party, the AV department will try to help fill your needs for equipment. Live events fall under three different categories. On campus, off campus (non profit) and off campus (profit) different rates apply to each category. he “On Campus” category is strictly limited to on campus users (student clubs, faculty and staff). Please see budget authority if index code is unknown. On campus user rates are the lowest tier rates the AV department has, if an item is relatively inexpensive an On Campus user will get it at a General Setup (GS) rate. A general setup item can be bundle with three other GS items for a single charge of $10 for 1 week. An On Campus user can pick up a GS item from the AV department and that item will be free of charge, though an AV request with index code has to produced first, in case the user damages the checked out item. For a list of equipment and rates check our Audio Visual Rates page. If you have further questions, please submit an Audio Visual Request form and we’ll reach out as soon as we are able.
Classroom Support
With over 40 “Smart Classrooms” and presentation spaces/meeting rooms on campus, the AV department is in charge of the equipment that can be found in these areas. However, due to the need for event support, initial Smart Classroom support is handled through the EOU IT Help Desk, while higher level design and equipment issues beyond basic operation are referred by IT to AV. Smart Classroom computer/network issues will be handled by IT. Urgent AV equipment issues should be handled by calling the IT Helpdesk, 541-962-3111, or by emailing helpdesk@eou.edu to create a ticket directly.
The AV department is also able to help with videography projects such as video recording classes, EOU sporting events, EOU student events and other minor events. The AV department can shoot, edit and produce on different kinds of media or file formats. The AV department will not copy any material that is copyright protected. Most EOU broadcasts can be found on The Mountie Network Youtube Channel.