Math Lab
Math Lab Schedule – Winter Term 2025

The Math Lab is located in Loso 232, just down the hall from the Learning Center, and provides free math tutoring services that are available to all students currently enrolled at EOU. Most of our tutors have completed the calculus sequence (through MATH 253) and are well-versed in topics ranging from arithmetic (MATH 040) and basic algebra (MATH 070 and 095) to college algebra (MATH 111) and beyond.
Our Math Lab tutors are available for drop-in tutoring (no appointment necessary!). Click on the link above to see the hours of operation for the lab. Math lab services are available through the last week of regular classes (the Math Lab is not open during finals week).
Come prepared so that the tutor can help you as efficiently as possible. Bring paper, pencil, textbooks, and any other supplementary materials you may need, and have an idea of the specific topics with which you are struggling.
The Ten Commandments of the Math Lab (40 KB)
Want to become a math tutor?
We hire most of our tutors based on recommendations from math faculty, so talk to your professors if you are interested in working in the Math Lab. For more information about tutoring, contact Ryan Scariano at