Meet the Executive Director: Emily Adams

I am thrilled to be on-board as the Executive Director of Philanthropy, and am looking forward to getting involved in La Grande and surrounding communities that EOU serves.
I am originally from Moscow, Idaho but spent many years moving around the Pacific Northwest. I returned to Moscow in 2000 and began my career in higher education. I spent 10 years working in development at the University of Idaho’s Department of Athletics, specializing in annual giving, board development, campaign project management, stewardship and special events. Most recently, I served as a major gift officer in the College of Agricultural, Human and Natural Resource Sciences at Washington State University.
I look forward to working with our constituents and communities to help build on the foundation that already exists through the great efforts of the EOU Foundation Trustees and University Advancement staff. Working together, I believe we can accomplish our fundraising goals and fulfill the mission of the Foundation.
I love spending time with my two teenage kids, attending their sporting events, helping them with homework and seeing them grow as wonderful young adults. I also enjoy being outdoors, hiking, running, biking, kayaking and camping, and I am excited to explore the Grande Ronde Valley.
‘Engage, Invest, Enhance’ through the EOU Foundation
Visions, missions and strategic plans have a bad habit of accumulating dust, but leaders of the EOU Foundation are determined to keep theirs living and breathing.
Chair of the Finance Committee Marcy Haines is a fifth-generation East Oregonian, and although she only attended EOU for a year, the university’s critical role in the region inspired her to get involved.
“I think it’s so important to increase the economic viability of our rural communities, and the college and foundation do that,” Haines said.
After earning a degree from William Woods University and starting a financial planning business, her commitment to improving lives through education led Haines to a position as a Foundation Trustee.
“I’m so impressed with the amount of scholarships being awarded, and the generosity of gifts to the foundation,” she said. “We have a broad base of support from different people from a wide range of places.”
The foundation’s renewed focus boils down to “Engage, Invest, Enhance.” Trustees, led by the Board of Directors, hope to expand involvement and increase philanthropic giving in line with EOU’s strategic plan, “The Ascent: 2029.”
“There’s been a focus on engaging and reaching out to more people,” Haines said. “I’m realizing how many people have a love for EOU and want to support it—it had been here all along, but I’ve seen it accelerate.”
She said more people are investing in Oregon’s Rural University through gifts of cash, stock, estates, payroll deductions, and credit card donations.
“The vision for the foundation is to grow at a reasonable rate and continue expanding our impact on campus and online,” Haines said. “We’re focused on enriching that experience and allowing students to thrive.”
A new range of locally based philanthropic committees have emerged in metro centers across the Northwest for EOU stakeholders in Boise, Spokane, Portland and other areas to connect with one another.
“Being able to build a tribe within your community—it’s really about those personal relationships in the long-term,” Haines said. “We really are very global at this point, and expanding EOU’s global-ness means more impact.”
The EOU Foundation can be reached at or 541-962-3740.
The Mountaineer is primarily funded by the EOU Foundation. Visit and make a gift to support the alumni magazine!