Mounties, Alumni, and Friends show their support for EOU

“Maya and I support the EOU foundation because we know how important the success of the university and its students are to our local communities. As alumni, EOU has had a huge impact on both of our lives and we feel an obligation to pay it forward to help current and future students develop and succeed. We are proud to support such an amazing university. Go Mounties!”
– Robert Bates, ’06, EOU Foundation Trustee
“I give to the EOU Foundation because the University has been a part of my life for forty plus years. I enjoy the opportunity to give back to EOU, which has done so much for our community. As an alumni of EOU, and having family members attending the university, this makes for an easy decision.”
– Jessy Watson, ’21, EOU Head Men’s Soccer Coach

“A few years back, a former EOU president said ‘no matter how small your gift, it’s important to give back and leave it better than you found it’ and that really resonated with me. I can’t imagine what my life would be like without EOU. My dad went to college here; my daughter is now a third-generation Mountaineer. I started kindergarten in Ackerman Hall and learned to swim in Quinn. Eastern is woven into the fabrics of my family history and I will always support EOU to help make it better for the future.”
– LeeAnn Case, MBA ’18, Associate Vice President of Finance and Administration
“We give to the EOU Foundation because of all the ways that Eastern blesses our family, community, and region through educational opportunities, athletic and cultural events, and sharing facilities and resources”
– Tim & Linda Gleeson, EOU Foundation Trustees

“I give to the EOU foundation because I love the impact our university has within our community and contributing to sustaining the future of that relationship is important to me as a local.”
– Amanda May, ’10, Alumni Association Vice President
“I give to the Foundation because I believe in the work we do at EOU. I am passionate about my students and about the programs we offer. Giving to the Foundation is one way I can help students access higher education through scholarships and emergency funding.
– Dr. Karyn Gomez, Professor, College of Education