Mounties Show Their Support for EOU This Season and All Year Long

“I give to the Foundation in support of The Voice because I believe no college or university is complete without a student newspaper. For decades, The Voice and The Beacon before it, informed and represented the student body – creating valuable content for a specific group of students attending the university at a particular point in time. In addition, more than ever, the world needs good journalists.”
– Marcia Hanford Loney, ’73, BA English
“Eastern Oregon University expands opportunities for students to be successful and prepares them for the future.”
– Norm Stewart, ’95

“Coming out of high school, I had no direction. Eastern Oregon University built the confidence I needed to develop, to help me be who I am.”
– David Smith, ’66
“EOU had a life-changing impact on my life, giving me the confidence to pursue my leadership gifts and dreams.”
– Matt Mullet, ’74

“I have been associated with EOU for nearly my entire adult life (over 50 years). This university has given me a foundation, and support, and gave me the opportunity to achieve, both personally and professionally, my goals. EOU has been my home away from home and I totally believe in the value of this institution and want to continue to see it be successful.”
– Michael Dougherty, ’74
“I support EOU because it provides an affordable option for rural students to receive an excellent post-secondary education.”
– Dawnette Waters, ’97