Stepping up in time of need

By the end of June, Eastern Oregon University had awarded $307,745 from the federal CARES Act to support 282 on-campus students as they adapted to remote learning for spring term.
Students who didn’t meet the criteria for federal CARES Act funding received support through the EOU Foundation’s Student Crisis Fund. When the pandemic hit this spring, EOU alumni and donors raised over $16,000 in a matter of weeks to help students stay in school.
Australian student Samantha Blake lives in Baker City, and didn’t qualify for CARES Act support because she attends classes online. When her husband lost his job because of the pandemic and unemployment payments were stalled, she turned to EOU to cover phone and internet costs. Private funds through the EOU Foundation kept her on track to graduate in June 2021.
“The Financial Aid Office told me about the help available,” she said. “We were so far behind on bills it was scary. For someone who didn’t qualify for assistance through other channels, I was so lucky [EOU Foundation donors] were willing to be generous. I’m so grateful for EOU and the donors that give us all support.”
More than $6,000 was distributed in spring term, and the EOU Foundation continues to assist students in need. Misha Feeley, ’19, was one of them.
A staff member in the Financial Aid Office directed her to the Foundation when other options came up short.
“I applied for the award, hopeful that it would financially assist me in paying for surgery-related expenses to get me through my last term in my undergraduate studies,” she said.
Originally from Guam, Feeley was able to finish her English/Writing degree on time thanks to a $500 award.
“I cannot express how grateful I am to the donors and those who have not only assisted me with a much-needed surgery, but also in supporting me to complete my last term successfully and ultimately receive my undergraduate degree,” she said. “This award has benefited me in retaining my employment, as well as carved a path toward furthering my education to obtain a master’s degree. Being the recipient of this award has transformed my outlook of Eastern Oregon University and the community at large, knowing that they care about students’ education, well-being, and success.”
In addition to the Student Crisis Fund, the Foundation provides hundreds of thousands of dollars in scholarships every year. Eligibility requirements vary, but students can apply for over 100 scholarships by submitting one application, which opened Oct. 1.
Browse the list of EOU Foundation scholarships, or learn how to donate to the Student Crisis Fund at