Submissions are currently being accepted but the open submissions window ends on February 25th. Manuscript submissions received after February 25th will be considered for the following year’s issue.
- All current EOU students (at the time of submission) are welcome to submit.
- We accept only digital submissions via email, and all submissions should be emailed to:
- Selections for publication will be based on blind (anonymous) reading. Please make sure there is no identifying information on the document title, submission title, or the work itself.
- A cover letter with a brief bio and the author’s contact information should accompany all submissions as a separate document. Please be sure to include your Eastern Oregon email address.
- Written submissions should be in 12-point, Times New Roman font or similar.
- Fiction and nonfiction submissions should be no longer than 5,000 words and may be on any subject. Any submission that is part of a larger body of work should be self-contained.
- Poetry submissions may be up to 60 lines, any form. Please submit no more than five poems at one time.
- Fiction, poetry, and nonfiction submissions should be submitted in a .doc, .docx, or .pdf format.
- Image files should be saved in .TIF or .JPG (max) format and CMYK color mode. Images should be at least 6 inches and 1800 pixels wide, and no more than 2700 pixels wide. 300 min. dpi, 450 max dpi. No added white space around image submissions. Please include title, actual size, and medium. Selected by jury.
- No previously published works are accepted.
- No AI submissions will be accepted. By submitting their work, authors assert that their work was not made with the use of generative AI. Only original works will be considered for publication.
- Individual copyright privileges revert to the author upon publication.
- There is no charge for readings or submissions.
- Payment is two copies of the journal.
Thank you for submitting! We look forward to reading your work!