Oregon Teacher Pathway

Oregon Teacher Pathway
What is the Oregon Teacher Pathway (OTP) Program?
Culturally and linguistically diverse students make up a third of the student population in Oregon public schools. However, the majority of Oregon public school teachers are predominantly white females. The goals of the Oregon Teacher Pathway program (OTP) are to 1) diversify teacher education by increasing the number of quality diverse teachers in Oregon and 2) produce quality teachers trained in culturally responsive practice. To reach these goals, the program focuses on recruiting, educating, and retaining pre-service teachers of color and pre-service teachers interested in becoming culturally responsive teachers.
OTP is based on research, which shows that students of color achieve higher academic success when exposed to teachers of color and teachers trained in culturally responsive practices.
OTP is centered on student success by partnering with local schools and community organizations, developing mentors at the high school and college level, and recruiting, retaining, supporting, and graduating quality teacher candidates.

Contact Us

Tawnya Lubbes
Director/Teacher Mentor
Associate Professor of Education, EOU
ESOL Program Coordinator
Director, Center for Culturally Responsive Practices