Legacy Policies
On July 1, 2015, the Oregon State Board of Higher Education (SBHE) and the Office of the Chancellor of Higher Education ceased operation, their functions having been replaced by the recently-appointed boards of trustees of each of Oregon’s seven public universities. At the time of the closure of the SBHE and the Chancellor’s Office, those entities had been administering approximately 275 of their own policies, Internal Management Directives, and Oregon Administrative Rules (OARs), many of which had governed the operations of public universities such as Eastern Oregon University. By law, those “Legacy Policies” became policies of each of the universities, which could be amended or repealed by each university on its own (see section 3(8) of Senate Bill 80 (2015)).
At the same time, Eastern Oregon University ceased to be an agency of the State of Oregon, becoming instead a different form of public body, defined as a “special government body” of the state (see ORS 352.002(7), 174.117(1)(i), and 174.109). This change in status meant that the university could no longer promulgate OARs as it had in the past. Accordingly, the OARs that Eastern Oregon University had published in Chapter 579 of the Oregon Administrative Rules were repealed and re-adopted as university policies. In addition, at the time of the closure of the SBHE Eastern Oregon University had numerous policies of its own that it had adopted internally and had published on EOU’s University Policies webpage.
Throughout the 2017-18 Academic Year, Eastern Oregon University engaged in a process of creating a single catalog of university policies from these five distinct sets of source materials. Those source materials appear on this page. The process of melding them together was called the Policy Transition Project. The result of that project is the Policies of Eastern Oregon University.
This consists of the former University Policies website, showing the policies that had been posted there prior to their being processed through the Policy Integration Project.
These are the nine SBHE policies that were transferred to EOU’s authority on July 1, 2015.
These are the 24 Internal Management Directives of the Chancellor’s Office that were transferred to EOU’s authority on July 1, 2015 and became university policies on that date.
These are the 242 former Oregon Administrative Rules of the SBHE that were transferred to EOU’s authority on July 1, 2015. They ceased being Oregon Administrative Rules and became university policies on that date.
These are the 65 former Oregon Administrative Rules that had been promulgated under the authority of Eastern Oregon University as a state agency. In January 2017 President Insko re-adopted these former OARs as university policies, pending their review as part of the Policy Transition Project.