Policy Coordinating Council
Policy Coordinating Council Charge
(excerpt from the Policy on University Policies)
1. Purpose. The University President hereby establishes a Policy Coordinating Council (PCC) which shall at the direction of the University President facilitate and track the process by which university policies are maintained, adopted, amended, and repealed. In addition, the PCC shall advise and make recommendations to the president, university administration, and shared governance bodies regarding procedures to maintain, adopt, amend, and repeal university policies. Each year, the PCC shall draft a report summarizing and evaluating PCC activity.
2. Authority. The PCC does not have authority other than to advise and make recommendations. The PCC is not a body of shared governance.
3. Membership. The University President shall appoint (or request the PCC to select) a convener. Membership shall consist of:
a. Chair of the University Council or designee,
b. President of the Faculty Senate or designee,
c. President of the Associated Students of Eastern Oregon University or designee, and
d. Administrators, faculty, staff, and/or students appointed by the University President.
4. The University General Counsel and Board Secretary (“General Counsel/Secretary”) shall not serve on the PCC but shall advise and assist the PCC.
5. Meetings. During the academic year, the PCC shall meet at least monthly, except when it has no work to perform. Although the PCC is not subject to Oregon public meetings law, meetings shall be open to the public to promote transparency and accountability.
2023-24 Policy Coordinating Council Membership
The Policy Coordinating Council facilitates and tracks the process by which university policies are maintained, adopted, amended, and repealed. Its 2023-24 membership is:
- Taylor Smith
- Madeline Kennedy
- Karyn Gomez
- Calvin Bennett
- Rory Becker
- Auburn Isaac
Although the PCC is not subject to the Oregon Public Meetings Law, its meetings are open to the public.