Public Meeting Notice info
Public Meeting Notice
The Joseph Branch Rail-with-Trail Concept Plan Draft Review
Public meetings are scheduled to review the assessment work completed to-date and outline design concepts for the proposed Elgin to Joseph Rail-with-Trail Concept Plan.
The meeting dates for the Meetings and there locations
- Tuesday, August 18, 2015 Elgin Community Center, 6-8 p.m
- Wednesday, August 19, 2015 Wallowa Senior Center, 6-8 p.m
- Tuesday, August 20, 2015 Joseph Community Center, 6-8 p.m
The Concept Plan reviews the feasibility and sustainability of the 63 mile rail-with -trail located in the Wallowa Union Rail Road Authority’s Joseph Branch right of way.
Public Comments are encourage. The information gathered at these meetings will be incorporated in the final Concept Plan.
The draft report is available for review at our website or in print at city halls, community libraries, and county commissions offices.
For more information or if special accommodations are needed contact Terry Edvalson at (541-377-6335) or Dana Kurtz on the website.