Summary of April 9 public meeting
below you can download the Summary of April 9 public meeting

Brainerd: Rails with Trails is an economic opportunity
A letter to the editor talks about economic opportunity.

WURA to receive trail study report in December
WURA to receive trail study report in December Rocky Wilson Wallowa County Chieftain Published:February 10, 2015 5:32PM Other than the economic impact assessment intended to be completed by now, work on the EOU student/Oregon Department of Parks and Recreation feasibility study for the proposed Rail With Trail project is on schedule. Although the number of […]

Friends of the Weiser River Trail
Friends of the Weiser River Trail is a great trail that is an excellent case study for our purposed trail!

Case studies
Case Studies gathered from around Oregon The examples posted are some of the most popular trails in Oregon and they all feature aspects like the trail being purposed though this project. Although, most of these trails don’t have the luxury of actually using the rails! you will find that a lot of trails with railroads […]

Public meeting: Concept Review / Elgin Jan 20th
Rail Trail Concept Review Committee Work Session

Videos along the trail!
Please take a look at the Joseph Branch Trail’s website videos that show the scenery along the rails !

Public educates trail study group
Below is a PDF document that contains clippings from the Wallowa County Chieftain. Public educates trail study group

Rails and Trails study gains momentum
Rails and Trails study gains momentum Rocky Wilson Wallowa County Chieftain Published:November 12, 2014 11:18AM Although not quickly, a feasibility study regarding the proposed Rails and Trails system between Joseph and Elgin is moving forward, and on December 3 and 4 workshops designed to encourage public input will be held in Wallowa and Enterprise respectively. […]