Concept Plan
Concept Plan
After doing a bunch of research and collecting big chunks of data, you want to be able to bring it all together into a nicely laid out piece that someone who picked up this project for the first time and wanted to learn more about it could do so with ease. A concept plan is not a complete land use plan or design, however it is a nice way to display a general representation of the scope of work planning to be done to this particular piece of land. A general outline of a concept plan may look something like this:
This section would include information such as: Goals, Visions, Project Timelines
Any assessments you have conducted on your area can be included in this section: land use assessments, downtown assessments, planning context, existing opportunities, public opinion survey data, conceptual costs and economic benefits.
3.Segment Concepts
A breakdown of each segment can be included here such as: length of segment, constraining factors, places for opportunity, trail development, and assessment methodologies.
Next Steps
This section should talk about where you want to go with this project. What are the projected outcomes? Here we discussed and overview of our project and implementation of our plan. We also discussed funding which is a major consideration on people’s minds when they hear about a new project being introduced.
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