Polling Methods
Polling methods
In order to gather the thoughts and opinions of the community members and the public, we designed a detailed survey. The survey that we created addressed areas such as the type of materials for the trail, the activities people would do on the trail, how often they would use a trail, and what their overall thoughts about having a trail are.
Conducting a survey like this is important because in order to move further with the project. Being knowledgeable about the thoughts of locals will enable you to have a better understanding of how to market/promote the trail. Also knowing the preferred materials and activities for the trail will influence further work.
We decided to survey two separate groups of people. One group was 550 randomly selected community members who received paper copies of the survey. The other was a public survey offered online. Doing this meant that we could analyze the thoughts and opinions of those who would be impacted the most by the trail, and those who have an interest in the trail.
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