Dining Plans

Residential Dining Plans

All residents living in North Hall and Daugherty Hall, regardless of class standing, are required to have a meal plan.

2024-2025 Prices:

Meal Plan TypeBlock MealsFlex DollarsAnnual Cost
Ultimate 170$175$5,260.00
Ultimate Flex145$300$5,260.00
Best Value130$150$4,760.00
Best Value Flex100$250$4,760.00
Mini 85$150$4,260.00
*Annual Cost for the academic year.

Commuter/Voluntary Meal Plans

Commuter and voluntary meal plans are smaller than residential meal plans and are designed for use by students who commute, live in Alikut Hall or Eocene Apt, faculty, staff, and others. Mountaineer Meal Plan meals and Flex Dollars can be used anytime during the academic year. Commuter plans do not expire at the end of each term – they are available for use until the last day of the Spring term. Unused meals/Flex Dollars roll-over to the new term. If at any time during the academic year you run out of meals, you may simply purchase another meal plan. Commuter plans are an excellent option for:

  • Full-time students who commute to campus
  • Part-time students who commute to campus
  • Residents who live in Alikut Hall or Eocene Apartments
  • Faculty and staff
  • Frequent visitors to the EOU campus

Dining FAQ

Where and when can I eat?

Students can use their block meals in Mountie Café, EOU’s all-you-care-to-eat dining facility, for breakfast, lunch, and dinner and in Mac’s Grill for dinner after 7:00 pm. They can also use their flex dollars to get breakfast and grab a morning Sorbenots coffee, or lunch, or get something to eat on the go in Mac’s Grill.

What’s the difference between meals and flex dollars?

The Mountie Café, located upstairs, is the main dining area where Block meals are served for All-you-Care-To-Eat style dining. However, after 7:00 PM, specified Block dinner items can also be enjoyed at Mac’s Grill. Each time a student has a meal, it is deducted from their balance, which works like a gift card.

Flex dollars can be used to buy breakfast, lunch, and dinner at Mac’s Grill, as well as Sorbenots coffee, snacks, drinks, and other items from the convenience store. Additionally, flex dollars can also be used for extra or guest meals at the Mountie Café. Whenever flex dollars are used, they are deducted from the student’s balance, similar to a gift or debit card.

Do my meals/flex dollars roll over to the next term if I don’t use them?

No, they do not. The dining plans are set up with different options for meals and flex dollars to accommodate student preferences on how and where to eat. If a resident finds that they are using meals more than flex dollars or vice versa, they can change their meal plan to accommodate their preference within the first two weeks of any term.

Can I change my Meal Plan?

Yes, these can be adjusted within the first two weeks of each term. The student will simply contact the Resident Life office at (541) 962-3553 or reslife@eou.edu and request to change their meal plan to accommodate their preference.

What if I’m a vegetarian/vegan/have an allergy/have a medical condition with a specific diet?

Vegetarian options are available at meals. Residents with more specific needs can work with EOU Dining Services on an individual basis to meet their dietary needs. Call to talk about your dietary needs please call (541) 962-3702.

How do I get meals and/or use my flex dollars?

Residents will use their student ID to get meals from Mountie Café or make purchases from Mac’s Grill. Your balances are kept track of through the magnetic stripe on the back of your ID, the same as a gift card or debit card.  Tracking your meal and flex dollar balance can be done. Registration instructions are below.

ASEOU Swipe Out Hunger

Swipe Out Hunger

Eastern Oregon University has partnered with Genuine Foods and Swipe Out Hunger to fight student food insecurity. Students may donate and request meal swipes to be used in the Mountie Cafe on the EOU campus. Click the image link above to learn more!

What if I lost my ID and I need to eat?

If you have lost your student ID, have not yet replaced it, and you need to eat, please speak with someone in the Residence Life Office, Daugherty Hall 119. To replace your student ID go to Ackerman 209.

Can I take guests to lunch/dinner?

Yes! Students can use their meal plans to pay for their guest’s meals at their discretion. Take your friends or family if you’d like!

What if I run out of meals and/or flex dollars?

If a resident uses up their meals and/or flex dollars before the end of the term, they are able to purchase more through the Residence Life Office.

Bon Appétit!