2021 Fall Combined Field Training Excercise
The 2021 Fall combined Field Training Exercise featured the Eastern Oregon University ROTC program participating with the University of Portland and Portland State University’s ROTC Program. Eastern Oregon Cadets participated in a variety of events including an air insertion utilizing Oregon National guard CH-47 Chinook helicopters. Other activities included familiarization and firing of the M240 Machine Gun, land navigation training, and participation in realistic military missions to assess and develop leadership skills. Eastern Oregon excelled and came away from the training exercise winning three awards out of the six possible, while only bringing nine cadets out of the sixty-seven total. Eastern Oregon University prides itself on exceeding the standard in physical fitness, leadership, and small unit tactics.
CDT Bea assisting a fellow Cadet during a mission in the field. CDT Moran (Senior) instructing cadets on proper techniques and how to fix malfunctions on the M-240 Machine Gun prior to sending Cadets to the range. CDT Mcdonald (Sophomore) firing an M240 Machine Gun during the Fall Field Training Exercise. CDT Hickman (Freshman) firing an M240 Machine Gun during the Fall Field Training Exercise. CPT. Meckle and SGT. Shown discussing planning after the range with upperclassmen CDT Bea and CDT Hyslop. Two CH-47 Chinook helicopters landing during the Fall Field Training Exercise. CDT Malychewski waiting for further instruction after being dropped off by CH-47 Chinook helicopters.